Previously¹ I suggested a disposable key design using a merkle tree that would
commit to a set of pubkeys. The downside of course being that each signature
needs a merkle tree path to prove the pubkey was in fact part of the original
set. In the context of timestamping, we might need a pubkey per second, which
works out to 2^27 seconds for a 4 year key lifetime, a 864 byte merkle path.
That's actually pretty big!

Here's a simpler system: create a set of delegation signatures from a master
pubkey in advance, each signing a commitment to a index and a secondary pubkey.
Then delete the master secret key. As with the merkle-tree based scheme, the
private key for the secondary pubkey's can be deterministically generated.

A signature for the sceme is then the secondary pubkey's signature, the
secondary pubkey, and the delegation signature. Pubkey recovery could even be
used, allowing the secondary pubkey to be omitted; with secp256k1 using pubkey
recovery signatures could be as little as 129 bytes in size.

For 2^27, 4 years, worth of disposable keys, we need to pregenerate and store
just 8.7GB of signatures - not a big deal! Even 2^32 keys is just 279GB, which
can do 13.6 years at 10 pubkeys/second.

While this is nearly the same security model, there is one nuance: in the event
of a ECC break, unlike the merkle tree version, destroying the secret keys does
*not* prevent an attacker from creating more false signatures for previously
unused indexes. I don't think this actually matters though, as in the
timestamping use-case you'd be using a secondary, non-ECC dependent, form of
timestamping on the trusted signature anyway (e.g. w/ Bitcoin).

Re: backups, I don't see any reason why the pre-generated signatures need to be
kept secret. In fact, it's possibly better if they aren't, allowing anyone to
verify that the intended pubkeys got used.

# References


-- 'peter'[:-1]

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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