It got bad pretty quick out here.

I'm aware of 6 different slides along major roads here near Vancouver, WA
(I-5, US-30, SR-4, etc...).

I think we've had 4 'tornados' in the past 20 years.  Including the one
that hit a few hours ago, we've had two this year.

I'm not sure of the exact route of most of the Seattle-PDX fiber along I-5,
but I wouldn't be surprised if some of it is under water at the moment.
Some of the gauges measured 8-9 inches of rain over the span of a few hours
yesterday with more coming in over the next 24-48 hours.  Then it's
supposed to let up and freeze.  ;)


On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Donn Lasher via Outages <> wrote:

> Anyone aware of fiber cuts/breaks related to the crazy storms in the
> Pacific NW at the moment? Via 2 different carriers, lost all routing in/out
> of the Seattle area heading for SJC/LAX/etc for about 90 seconds, then it
> recovered. Seattle->East stayed up.
> Off-list reply is fine.
> -donn
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