Hello Outages,

Just in case your mobile phone users ask... there may be an issue with 
YouTube’s API affecting AT&T customers.

Since late yesterday, I started receiving a warning and a Google Captcha while 
trying to play YouTube videos.  Some apps will display the warning, while 
others will simply display “please watch this on YouTube (link).”

I have tested on cellular vs wifi and checked multiple apps.  I only found one 
other discussion on reddit for the same problem, and I’ve reached the 
conclusion that AT&T customers have been flagged by YouTube.

The full message is written after my signature.  What follows is a “not a 
robot” check box and a captcha puzzle to solve before video plays.  This must 
be done on EVERY video.

If you are on this list and work at AT&T or Google (or know someone who does), 
please talk to each other and figure out what happened to the API before it 
blows up into a Net-Neutrality-style lawsuit based on claims that Google is 
discriminating against AT&T customers.

Brad Chapman

Warning follows:

Sorry For the Interruption

You are seeing this message because your current network has been identified as 
using non-authorized applications to access YouTube.
Non-authorized apps can expose you to a number of risks including malware, 
unauthorized access to your data and excessive battery drain.

Please use the official YouTube 
iOS<https://apps.apple.com/us/app/youtube-watch-listen-stream/id544007664> or 
YouTube Go<https://www.youtubego.com/> apps; and consider uninstalling any 
non-verified apps.

To continue with your YouTube experience, please fill out the form below.

—Sent from my iPhone
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