Hi Everyone,
I am meant to be going on the New Years trip to California, but have had a
change of plans, and am flying home to NZ this Sunday. I need someone to
take my place on the trip. It would be a shame for the whole $400 and a spot
on an amazing trip to go to waste, so I am willing to compromise and pay for
part of the trip. If you have been thinking of going, or know someone who
might like to go, flick me an email and I will give you a call or something.

I would really appreciate it, and you would have an amazingly cheap and
wicked New Year!!!!


Hi Ellen
(Sorry don't have your email....)
Some stuff has come up and I am going home early, so wont be around in the
New year to catch up :-(
Was wicked catching up with you snowshoeing.
Hope you have an awesome Christmas and New Year.
Flick me an email sometime.......
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