Hey all you Outdoorsians,

It's that time of year again when Everett is getting older.  Come on  
out to the Globe on Wednesday, Feb 21 to party down. Everett finds it  
ironic that he will turn 21 on the 21st.  Also, there will be  
predrinking/prepartying at Everett's place (Apt 33, 11024-88 Ave),  
from which we can cab down to the bar.  Predrinking will probably  
start around 7:00 and bar arrival will be something resembling  
9:00ish.  You can call me at 288-6466 or drop me an email to  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to RSVP (especially if you're coming to predrink).

Hope to see you out there!

Everett "ezdrill" Zdrill

To contact the club executive, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Outdoors mailing list
To email the entire club, use: Outdoors@mailman.srv.ualberta.ca


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