Bueno mi pagina me da este error en validator.w3.org<http://validator.w3.org>
 The HTTP Content-Type header sent by your web browser (unknown) did not 
contain a "charset" parameter, but the Content-Type was one of the XML 
text/* sub-types (text/xml). The relevant specification (RFC
specifies a strong default of "us-ascii" for such documents so we will use 
this value regardless of any encoding you may have indicated elsewhere. If 
you would like to use a different encoding, you should arrange to have your 
browser send this new encoding information. 

Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on lines *8, 23-24, 38, 
57, 82* it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as
us-ascii(in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the
Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the 
character encoding indication. 
Antes eran mas líneas pero un amigo me recomendó cambiar los codigos a 
htmlentities, o sea, un "á" por "a&cute"


www.dj-dom.net <http://www.dj-dom.net>
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