Leonel Silva wrote:
 Hola a todos,

Alguien conoce que navegadores soportan CSS2? o algún link donde pueda leer
algo al respecto.

Lo que vos pedís está aca [1] y mientras buscaba eso, me topé con este artículo [2] que es muy interesante y completo, pero en particular destaco la sección que habla sobre las actuales limitaciones del CSS, incluyendo una que se habló hace pocos dias en la lista, de no poder seleccionar el padre de un elemento.

   CSS limitations

Most problems attributed to CSS are actually results of browser bugs or lack of support for CSS features. The most serious offender among current browsers is Microsoft Internet Explorer <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer>, whose version 6 lacks support for about 30 percent of CSS2 properties, and, more significantly, misinterprets a significant number of important properties, such as "|width|", "|height|", and "|float|".

However, current CSS specifications do have some genuine shortcomings.

Selectors are unable to ascend
   CSS offers no way to select a parent or ancestor of element that
   satisfies certain criteria. A more advanced selector scheme (such as
   XPath <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPath>) would enable more
   sophisticated stylesheets.
One block declaration cannot explicitly inherit from another
   Inheritance of styles is performed by the browser based on the
   containment hierarchy of DOM elements and the specificity of the
   rule selectors, as suggested by the section 6.4.1 of the CSS2
   specification [3]
   <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#cascading-order>. Only the
   user of the blocks can refer to them by including class names into
   the |class| attribute of a DOM element.
Vertical control limitations
   While horizontal placement of elements is generally easy to control,
   vertical placement is frequently unintuitive, convoluted, or
   impossible. Simple tasks, such as centering an element vertically or
   getting a footer to be placed no higher than bottom of viewport,
   require complicated and unintuitive code.
Absence of expressions
   There is no ability to specify property values as simple expressions
   (such as |height: 100% - 3em + 4px;|). However, that can be achieved
   by, |height: 100%; margin: -1.5em 0; padding: 2px 0;|.
Lack of orthogonality
   Multiple properties often end up doing the same job. For instance,
   position, display and float specify the placement model, and most of
   the time they can't be combined meaningfully. A |display:
   table-cell| element cannot be floated or given |position: relative|,
   and an element with |float: left| should not react to changes of
Unexpected margin collapsing
   Margin collapsing is frequently not expected by authors, and no
   simple side-effect-free way is available to control it.
Float containment
   CSS does not explicitly offer any property that would force an
   element to contain floats. Multiple properties offer this
   functionality as a side effect, but none of them are completely
   appropriate in all situations.
Lack of multiple backgrounds per element
   Highly graphical designs require several background images for every
   element, and CSS can support only one. Therefore, developers have to
   choose between adding redundant wrappers around document elements,
   or dropping the visual effect. This is addressed in the working
   draft of the CSS3 backgrounds module,[4]
   but widespread implementation is unlikely for several years yet.
Inability of children to override some properties set on a parent
   This problem affects publishing sites where portions of the same
   page are often written by different vendors. For instance, if one
   individual sets overflow:hidden on one element, this can't be
   overridden within a child element. Although this makes sense in a
   single-author environment, this can negatively affect a multi-author
   environment where /most/ of the content should be contained, but
   there's a menu that, by design, has to escape out of container.
   Being able to explicitly set an override in a case like this would
   be useful, since the only way to do this currently is by using
   Javascript to manipulate the DOM. Another example is not being able
   to override relatively positioned parents set by a different vendor
   on the same page, so that the absolutely positioned child elements
   are not appearing in the correct location.

Martin Szyszlican

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_layout_engines
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets

[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#cascading-order
[4] http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-css3-background-20050216/#layering

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