This makes more sense here, seeing as it's not exactly installation

Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
 Documentation/intro/install/general.rst | 348 +------------------------------
 Documentation/topics/testing.rst        | 359 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 348 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/intro/install/general.rst 
index 89b4e74..371643a 100644
--- a/Documentation/intro/install/general.rst
+++ b/Documentation/intro/install/general.rst
@@ -436,7 +436,8 @@ and ``vif1.0`` to it::
     $ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
     $ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vif1.0
-Refer to ovs-vsctl(8) for more details.
+Refer to ovs-vsctl(8) for more details. You may also wish to refer to
+:doc:`/topics/testing` for information on more generic testing of OVS.
@@ -511,351 +512,6 @@ above, but also replaces the old kernel module with the 
new one. Open vSwitch
 startup scripts for Debian, XenServer and RHEL use ovs-ctl's functions and it
 is recommended that these functions be used for other software platforms too.
-.. _general-testing:
-This section describe Open vSwitch's built-in support for various test
-suites. You must bootstrap, configure and build Open vSwitch (steps are
-in "Building and Installing Open vSwitch for Linux, FreeBSD or NetBSD"
-above) before you run the tests described here. You do not need to
-install Open vSwitch or to build or load the kernel module to run these
-test suites. You do not need supervisor privilege to run these test
-Unit Tests
-Open vSwitch includes a suite of self-tests. Before you submit patches
-upstream, we advise that you run the tests and ensure that they pass. If you
-add new features to Open vSwitch, then adding tests for those features will
-ensure your features don't break as developers modify other areas of Open
-To run all the unit tests in Open vSwitch, one at a time, run::
-    $ make check
-This takes under 5 minutes on a modern desktop system.
-To run all the unit tests in Open vSwitch in parallel, run::
-    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8
-You can run up to eight threads. This takes under a minute on a modern 4-core
-desktop system.
-To see a list of all the available tests, run:
-    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--list
-To run only a subset of tests, e.g. test 123 and tests 477 through 484, run::
-    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='123 477-484'
-Tests do not have inter-dependencies, so you may run any subset.
-To run tests matching a keyword, e.g. ``ovsdb``, run::
-    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k ovsdb'
-To see a complete list of test options, run::
-    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--help
-The results of a testing run are reported in ``tests/testsuite.log``. Report
-report test failures as bugs and include the ``testsuite.log`` in your report.
-.. note::
-  Sometimes a few tests may fail on some runs but not others. This is usually a
-  bug in the testsuite, not a bug in Open vSwitch itself. If you find that a
-  test fails intermittently, please report it, since the developers may not
-  have noticed. You can make the testsuite automatically rerun tests that fail,
-  by adding ``RECHECK=yes`` to the ``make`` command line, e.g.::
-      $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 RECHECK=yes
-If the build was configured with ``--enable-coverage`` and the ``lcov`` utility
-is installed, you can run the testsuite and generate a code coverage report by
-using the ``check-lcoc`` target::
-    $ make check-lcov
-All the same options are avaiable via TESTSUITEFLAGS. For example::
-    $ make check-lcov TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 -k ovn
-If you have ``valgrind`` installed, you can run the testsuite under
-valgrind by using the ``check-valgrind`` target::
-    $ make check-valgrind
-When you do this, the "valgrind" results for test ``<N>`` are reported in files
-named ``tests/testsuite.dir/<N>/valgrind.*``.
-All the same options are available via TESTSUITEFLAGS.
-.. hint::
-  You may find that the valgrind results are easier to interpret if you put
-  ``-q`` in ``~/.valgrindrc``, since that reduces the amount of output.
-.. _general-oftest:
-OFTest is an OpenFlow protocol testing suite. Open vSwitch includes a Makefile
-target to run OFTest with Open vSwitch in "dummy mode". In this mode of
-testing, no packets travel across physical or virtual networks.  Instead, Unix
-domain sockets stand in as simulated networks. This simulation is imperfect,
-but it is much easier to set up, does not require extra physical or virtual
-hardware, and does not require supervisor privileges.
-To run OFTest with Open vSwitch, first read and follow the instructions under
-**Testing** above. Second, obtain a copy of OFTest and install its
-prerequisites. You need a copy of OFTest that includes commit 406614846c5 (make
-ovs-dummy platform work again). This commit was merged into the OFTest
-repository on Feb 1, 2013, so any copy of OFTest more recent than that should
-work. Testing OVS in dummy mode does not require root privilege, so you may
-ignore that requirement.
-Optionally, add the top-level OFTest directory (containing the ``oft`` program)
-to your ``$PATH``. This slightly simplifies running OFTest later.
-To run OFTest in dummy mode, run the following command from your Open vSwitch
-build directory::
-    $ make check-oftest OFT=<oft-binary>
-where ``<oft-binary>`` is the absolute path to the ``oft`` program in OFTest.
-If you added "oft" to your $PATH, you may omit the OFT variable
-By default, ``check-oftest`` passes ``oft`` just enough options to enable dummy
-mode. You can use ``OFTFLAGS`` to pass additional options. For example, to run
-just the ``basic.Echo`` test instead of all tests (the default) and enable
-verbose logging, run::
-    $ make check-oftest OFT=<oft-binary> OFTFLAGS='--verbose -T basic.Echo'
-If you use OFTest that does not include commit 4d1f3eb2c792 (oft: change
-default port to 6653), merged into the OFTest repository in October 2013, then
-you need to add an option to use the IETF-assigned controller port::
-    $ make check-oftest OFT=<oft-binary> OFTFLAGS='--port=6653'
-Interpret OFTest results cautiously. Open vSwitch can fail a given test in
-OFTest for many reasons, including bugs in Open vSwitch, bugs in OFTest, bugs
-in the "dummy mode" integration, and differing interpretations of the OpenFlow
-standard and other standards.
-.. note::
-  Open vSwitch has not been validated against OFTest. Report test failures that
-  you believe to represent bugs in Open vSwitch. Include the precise versions
-  of Open vSwitch and OFTest in your bug report, plus any other information
-  needed to reproduce the problem.
-Ryu is an OpenFlow controller written in Python that includes an extensive
-OpenFlow testsuite. Open vSwitch includes a Makefile target to run Ryu in
-"dummy mode". See **OFTest** above for an explanation of dummy mode.
-To run Ryu tests with Open vSwitch, first read and follow the instructions
-under **Testing** above. Second, obtain a copy of Ryu, install its
-prerequisites, and build it. You do not need to install Ryu (some of the tests
-do not get installed, so it does not help).
-To run Ryu tests, run the following command from your Open vSwitch build
-    $ make check-ryu RYUDIR=<ryu-source-dir>``
-where ``<ryu-source-dir>`` is the absolute path to the root of the Ryu source
-distribution. The default ``<ryu-source-dir>`` is ``$srcdir/../ryu``
-where ``$srcdir`` is your Open vSwitch source directory. If this is correct,
-omit ``RYUDIR``
-.. note::
-  Open vSwitch has not been validated against Ryu. Report test failures that
-  you believe to represent bugs in Open vSwitch. Include the precise versions
-  of Open vSwitch and Ryu in your bug report, plus any other information
-  needed to reproduce the problem.
-Datapath testing
-Open vSwitch includes a suite of tests specifically for datapath functionality,
-which can be run against the userspace or kernel datapaths. If you are
-developing datapath features, it is recommended that you use these tests and
-build upon them to verify your implementation.
-The datapath tests make some assumptions about the environment. They must be
-run under root privileges on a Linux system with support for network
-namespaces. For ease of use, the OVS source tree includes a vagrant box to
-invoke these tests. Running the tests inside Vagrant provides kernel isolation,
-protecting your development host from kernel panics or configuration conflicts
-in the testsuite. If you wish to run the tests without using the vagrant box,
-there are further instructions below.
-.. important::
-  Requires Vagrant (version 1.7.0 or later) and a compatible hypervisor
-.. note::
-  You must **Bootstrap** and **Configure** the sources before you run the steps
-  described here.
-A Vagrantfile is provided allowing to compile and provision the source tree as
-found locally in a virtual machine using the following command::
-    $ vagrant up
-This will bring up a Fedora 23 VM by default. If you wish to use a different
-box or a vagrant backend not supported by the default box, the ``Vagrantfile``
-can be modified to use a different box as base.
-The VM can be reprovisioned at any time::
-    $ vagrant provision
-OVS out-of-tree compilation environment can be set up with::
-    $ ./
-    $ vagrant provision --provision-with configure_ovs,build_ovs
-This will set up an out-of-tree build environment inside the VM in
-``/root/build``.  The source code can be found in ``/vagrant``.
-To recompile and reinstall OVS in the VM using RPM::
-    $ ./
-    $ vagrant provision --provision-with configure_ovs,install_rpm
-Two provisioners are included to run system tests with the OVS kernel module or
-with a userspace datapath. This tests are different from the self-tests
-mentioned above. To run them::
-    $ ./
-    $ vagrant provision --provision-with \
-        configure_ovs,test_ovs_kmod,test_ovs_system_userspace
-The results of the testsuite reside in the VM root user's home directory::
-    $ vagrant ssh
-    $ sudo -s
-    $ cd /root/build
-    $ ls tests/system*
-The datapath testsuite as invoked by Vagrant above may also be run manually on
-a Linux system with root privileges. These tests may take several minutes to
-complete, and cannot be run in parallel.
-Userspace datapath
-To invoke the datapath testsuite with the userspace datapath, run::
-    $ make check-system-userspace
-The results of the testsuite are in ``tests/system-userspace-traffic.dir``.
-Kernel datapath
-Make targets are also provided for testing the Linux kernel module. Note that
-these tests operate by inserting modules into the running Linux kernel, so if
-the tests are able to trigger a bug in the OVS kernel module or in the upstream
-kernel then the kernel may panic.
-To run the testsuite against the kernel module which is currently installed on
-your system, run::
-    $ make check-kernel
-To install the kernel module from the current build directory and run the
-testsuite against that kernel module::
-    $ make check-kmod
-The results of the testsuite are in ``tests/system-kmod-traffic.dir``.
-Continuous Integration with Travis-CI
-A .travis.yml file is provided to automatically build Open vSwitch with various
-build configurations and run the testsuite using travis-ci. Builds will be
-performed with gcc, sparse and clang with the -Werror compiler flag included,
-therefore the build will fail if a new warning has been introduced.
-The CI build is triggered via git push (regardless of the specific branch) or
-pull request against any Open vSwitch GitHub repository that is linked to
-Instructions to setup travis-ci for your GitHub repository:
-1. Go to and sign in using your GitHub ID.
-2. Go to the "Repositories" tab and enable the ovs repository. You may disable
-   builds for pushes or pull requests.
-3. In order to avoid forks sending build failures to the upstream mailing list,
-   the notification email recipient is encrypted. If you want to receive email
-   notification for build failures, replace the the encrypted string:
-   1. Install the travis-ci CLI (Requires ruby >=2.0): gem install travis
-   2. In your Open vSwitch repository: travis encrypt
-   3. Add/replace the notifications section in .travis.yml and fill in the
-      secure string as returned by travis encrypt::
-          notifications:
-            email:
-              recipients:
-                - secure: "....."
-  .. note::
-    You may remove/omit the notifications section to fall back to default
-    notification behaviour which is to send an email directly to the author and
-    committer of the failing commit. Note that the email is only sent if the
-    author/committer have commit rights for the particular GitHub repository.
-4. Pushing a commit to the repository which breaks the build or the
-   testsuite will now trigger a email sent to
-Static Code Analysis
-Static Analysis is a method of debugging Software by examining code rather than
-actually executing it. This can be done through 'scan-build' commandline
-utility which internally uses clang (or) gcc to compile the code and also
-invokes a static analyzer to do the code analysis. At the end of the build, the
-reports are aggregated in to a common folder and can later be analyzed using
-Open vSwitch includes a Makefile target to trigger static code analysis::
-    $ ./
-    $ ./configure CC=clang  # clang
-    # or
-    $ ./configure CC=gcc CFLAGS="-std=gnu99"  # gcc
-    $ make clang-analyze
-You should invoke scan-view to view analysis results. The last line of output
-from ``clang-analyze`` will list the command (containing results directory)
-that you should invoke to view the results on a browser.
 Reporting Bugs
diff --git a/Documentation/topics/testing.rst b/Documentation/topics/testing.rst
index 5265ab1..599e570 100644
--- a/Documentation/topics/testing.rst
+++ b/Documentation/topics/testing.rst
@@ -25,8 +25,363 @@
-.. TODO(stephenfin): Flesh this out with information from the general
-   installation guide, among others.
+It is possible to test Open vSwitch using both tooling provided with Open
+vSwitch and using a variety of third party tooling.
+Built-in Tooling
+Open vSwitch provides a number of different test suites and other tooling for
+validating basic functionality of OVS. Before running any of the tests
+described here, you must bootstrap, configure and build Open vSwitch as
+described in :doc:`/intro/install/general`. You do not need to install Open
+vSwitch or to build or load the kernel module to run these test suites. You do
+not need supervisor privilege to run these test suites.
+.. _testing-unit-tests:
+Unit Tests
+Open vSwitch includes a suite of self-tests. Before you submit patches
+upstream, we advise that you run the tests and ensure that they pass. If you
+add new features to Open vSwitch, then adding tests for those features will
+ensure your features don't break as developers modify other areas of Open
+To run all the unit tests in Open vSwitch, one at a time, run::
+    $ make check
+This takes under 5 minutes on a modern desktop system.
+To run all the unit tests in Open vSwitch in parallel, run::
+    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8
+You can run up to eight threads. This takes under a minute on a modern 4-core
+desktop system.
+To see a list of all the available tests, run:
+    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--list
+To run only a subset of tests, e.g. test 123 and tests 477 through 484, run::
+    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='123 477-484'
+Tests do not have inter-dependencies, so you may run any subset.
+To run tests matching a keyword, e.g. ``ovsdb``, run::
+    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k ovsdb'
+To see a complete list of test options, run::
+    $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--help
+The results of a testing run are reported in ``tests/testsuite.log``. Report
+report test failures as bugs and include the ``testsuite.log`` in your report.
+.. note::
+  Sometimes a few tests may fail on some runs but not others. This is usually a
+  bug in the testsuite, not a bug in Open vSwitch itself. If you find that a
+  test fails intermittently, please report it, since the developers may not
+  have noticed. You can make the testsuite automatically rerun tests that fail,
+  by adding ``RECHECK=yes`` to the ``make`` command line, e.g.::
+      $ make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 RECHECK=yes
+.. _testing-coverage:
+If the build was configured with ``--enable-coverage`` and the ``lcov`` utility
+is installed, you can run the testsuite and generate a code coverage report by
+using the ``check-lcoc`` target::
+    $ make check-lcov
+All the same options are avaiable via TESTSUITEFLAGS. For example::
+    $ make check-lcov TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 -k ovn
+.. _testing-valgrind:
+If you have ``valgrind`` installed, you can run the testsuite under
+valgrind by using the ``check-valgrind`` target::
+    $ make check-valgrind
+When you do this, the "valgrind" results for test ``<N>`` are reported in files
+named ``tests/testsuite.dir/<N>/valgrind.*``.
+All the same options are available via TESTSUITEFLAGS.
+.. hint::
+  You may find that the valgrind results are easier to interpret if you put
+  ``-q`` in ``~/.valgrindrc``, since that reduces the amount of output.
+.. _testing-oftest:
+OFTest is an OpenFlow protocol testing suite. Open vSwitch includes a Makefile
+target to run OFTest with Open vSwitch in "dummy mode". In this mode of
+testing, no packets travel across physical or virtual networks.  Instead, Unix
+domain sockets stand in as simulated networks. This simulation is imperfect,
+but it is much easier to set up, does not require extra physical or virtual
+hardware, and does not require supervisor privileges.
+To run OFTest with Open vSwitch, you must obtain a copy of OFTest and install
+its prerequisites. You need a copy of OFTest that includes commit 406614846c5
+(make ovs-dummy platform work again). This commit was merged into the OFTest
+repository on Feb 1, 2013, so any copy of OFTest more recent than that should
+work. Testing OVS in dummy mode does not require root privilege, so you may
+ignore that requirement.
+Optionally, add the top-level OFTest directory (containing the ``oft`` program)
+to your ``$PATH``. This slightly simplifies running OFTest later.
+To run OFTest in dummy mode, run the following command from your Open vSwitch
+build directory::
+    $ make check-oftest OFT=<oft-binary>
+where ``<oft-binary>`` is the absolute path to the ``oft`` program in OFTest.
+If you added "oft" to your $PATH, you may omit the OFT variable
+By default, ``check-oftest`` passes ``oft`` just enough options to enable dummy
+mode. You can use ``OFTFLAGS`` to pass additional options. For example, to run
+just the ``basic.Echo`` test instead of all tests (the default) and enable
+verbose logging, run::
+    $ make check-oftest OFT=<oft-binary> OFTFLAGS='--verbose -T basic.Echo'
+If you use OFTest that does not include commit 4d1f3eb2c792 (oft: change
+default port to 6653), merged into the OFTest repository in October 2013, then
+you need to add an option to use the IETF-assigned controller port::
+    $ make check-oftest OFT=<oft-binary> OFTFLAGS='--port=6653'
+Interpret OFTest results cautiously. Open vSwitch can fail a given test in
+OFTest for many reasons, including bugs in Open vSwitch, bugs in OFTest, bugs
+in the "dummy mode" integration, and differing interpretations of the OpenFlow
+standard and other standards.
+.. note::
+  Open vSwitch has not been validated against OFTest. Report test failures that
+  you believe to represent bugs in Open vSwitch. Include the precise versions
+  of Open vSwitch and OFTest in your bug report, plus any other information
+  needed to reproduce the problem.
+.. _ryu:
+Ryu is an OpenFlow controller written in Python that includes an extensive
+OpenFlow testsuite. Open vSwitch includes a Makefile target to run Ryu in
+"dummy mode". See :ref:`testing-oftest` above for an explanation of dummy mode.
+To run Ryu tests with Open vSwitch, first read and follow the instructions
+under **Testing** above. Second, obtain a copy of Ryu, install its
+prerequisites, and build it. You do not need to install Ryu (some of the tests
+do not get installed, so it does not help).
+To run Ryu tests, run the following command from your Open vSwitch build
+    $ make check-ryu RYUDIR=<ryu-source-dir>``
+where ``<ryu-source-dir>`` is the absolute path to the root of the Ryu source
+distribution. The default ``<ryu-source-dir>`` is ``$srcdir/../ryu``
+where ``$srcdir`` is your Open vSwitch source directory. If this is correct,
+omit ``RYUDIR``
+.. note::
+  Open vSwitch has not been validated against Ryu. Report test failures that
+  you believe to represent bugs in Open vSwitch. Include the precise versions
+  of Open vSwitch and Ryu in your bug report, plus any other information
+  needed to reproduce the problem.
+Datapath testing
+Open vSwitch includes a suite of tests specifically for datapath functionality,
+which can be run against the userspace or kernel datapaths. If you are
+developing datapath features, it is recommended that you use these tests and
+build upon them to verify your implementation.
+The datapath tests make some assumptions about the environment. They must be
+run under root privileges on a Linux system with support for network
+namespaces. For ease of use, the OVS source tree includes a vagrant box to
+invoke these tests. Running the tests inside Vagrant provides kernel isolation,
+protecting your development host from kernel panics or configuration conflicts
+in the testsuite. If you wish to run the tests without using the vagrant box,
+there are further instructions below.
+.. important::
+  Requires Vagrant (version 1.7.0 or later) and a compatible hypervisor
+.. note::
+  You must **Bootstrap** and **Configure** the sources before you run the steps
+  described here.
+A Vagrantfile is provided allowing to compile and provision the source tree as
+found locally in a virtual machine using the following command::
+    $ vagrant up
+This will bring up a Fedora 23 VM by default. If you wish to use a different
+box or a vagrant backend not supported by the default box, the ``Vagrantfile``
+can be modified to use a different box as base.
+The VM can be reprovisioned at any time::
+    $ vagrant provision
+OVS out-of-tree compilation environment can be set up with::
+    $ ./
+    $ vagrant provision --provision-with configure_ovs,build_ovs
+This will set up an out-of-tree build environment inside the VM in
+``/root/build``.  The source code can be found in ``/vagrant``.
+To recompile and reinstall OVS in the VM using RPM::
+    $ ./
+    $ vagrant provision --provision-with configure_ovs,install_rpm
+Two provisioners are included to run system tests with the OVS kernel module or
+with a userspace datapath. This tests are different from the self-tests
+mentioned above. To run them::
+    $ ./
+    $ vagrant provision --provision-with \
+        configure_ovs,test_ovs_kmod,test_ovs_system_userspace
+The results of the testsuite reside in the VM root user's home directory::
+    $ vagrant ssh
+    $ sudo -s
+    $ cd /root/build
+    $ ls tests/system*
+The datapath testsuite as invoked by Vagrant above may also be run manually on
+a Linux system with root privileges. These tests may take several minutes to
+complete, and cannot be run in parallel.
+Userspace datapath
+To invoke the datapath testsuite with the userspace datapath, run::
+    $ make check-system-userspace
+The results of the testsuite are in ``tests/system-userspace-traffic.dir``.
+Kernel datapath
+Make targets are also provided for testing the Linux kernel module. Note that
+these tests operate by inserting modules into the running Linux kernel, so if
+the tests are able to trigger a bug in the OVS kernel module or in the upstream
+kernel then the kernel may panic.
+To run the testsuite against the kernel module which is currently installed on
+your system, run::
+    $ make check-kernel
+To install the kernel module from the current build directory and run the
+testsuite against that kernel module::
+    $ make check-kmod
+The results of the testsuite are in ``tests/system-kmod-traffic.dir``.
+.. _testing-static-analysis:
+Static Code Analysis
+Static Analysis is a method of debugging Software by examining code rather than
+actually executing it. This can be done through 'scan-build' commandline
+utility which internally uses clang (or) gcc to compile the code and also
+invokes a static analyzer to do the code analysis. At the end of the build, the
+reports are aggregated in to a common folder and can later be analyzed using
+Open vSwitch includes a Makefile target to trigger static code analysis::
+    $ ./
+    $ ./configure CC=clang  # clang
+    # or
+    $ ./configure CC=gcc CFLAGS="-std=gnu99"  # gcc
+    $ make clang-analyze
+You should invoke scan-view to view analysis results. The last line of output
+from ``clang-analyze`` will list the command (containing results directory)
+that you should invoke to view the results on a browser.
+.. _testing-ci:
+Continuous Integration with Travis CI
+A .travis.yml file is provided to automatically build Open vSwitch with various
+build configurations and run the testsuite using Travis CI. Builds will be
+performed with gcc, sparse and clang with the -Werror compiler flag included,
+therefore the build will fail if a new warning has been introduced.
+The CI build is triggered via git push (regardless of the specific branch) or
+pull request against any Open vSwitch GitHub repository that is linked to
+Instructions to setup travis-ci for your GitHub repository:
+1. Go to and sign in using your GitHub ID.
+2. Go to the "Repositories" tab and enable the ovs repository. You may disable
+   builds for pushes or pull requests.
+3. In order to avoid forks sending build failures to the upstream mailing list,
+   the notification email recipient is encrypted. If you want to receive email
+   notification for build failures, replace the the encrypted string:
+   1. Install the travis-ci CLI (Requires ruby >=2.0): gem install travis
+   2. In your Open vSwitch repository: travis encrypt
+   3. Add/replace the notifications section in .travis.yml and fill in the
+      secure string as returned by travis encrypt::
+          notifications:
+            email:
+              recipients:
+                - secure: "....."
+  .. note::
+    You may remove/omit the notifications section to fall back to default
+    notification behaviour which is to send an email directly to the author and
+    committer of the failing commit. Note that the email is only sent if the
+    author/committer have commit rights for the particular GitHub repository.
+4. Pushing a commit to the repository which breaks the build or the
+   testsuite will now trigger a email sent to
+.. _testing-vsperf:

dev mailing list

Reply via email to