I read the code and find this

datapath/conntrack.c : 982

        if (info->nat && !(key->ct_state & OVS_CS_F_NAT_MASK) &&
            (nf_ct_is_confirmed(ct) || info->commit) &&
            ovs_ct_nat(net, key, info, skb, ct, ctinfo) != NF_ACCEPT) {
            return -EINVAL;

I think this may be the reason of that problem

the pipiline is nat-->imcp reply-->nat

the first nat set the ct_state, so the second nat do not execute

am i right?

在 2017/6/2 1:14, Mickey Spiegel 写道:

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 4:28 AM, 钢锁0918 <l...@dtdream.com <mailto:l...@dtdream.com>> wrote:

    that is for this problem[ovs-dev] [ovs-discuss] ovn: unsnat
handling error for Distributed Gatewayhttps://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-dev/2017-April/330536.html

I don't understand why this workaround is a good thing. In theory, all pings should succeed. The point of the ping is to test the datapath with an actual packet, to make sure that things work. Replying to the ping when you have gone less than half way to the endpoint seems to me to defeat the purpose.


    Pfaff <b...@ovn.org <mailto:b...@ovn.org>>发送时间:2017年6月1日(星期四)
    07:32收件人:钢锁0918 <l...@dtdream.com
    <mailto:l...@dtdream.com>>抄 送:dev <d...@openvswitch.org
    <mailto:d...@openvswitch.org>>主 题:Re: [ovs-dev] [PATCH] ovn-northd:
    Add logical flows to reply ICMP echo requests for all the other
    router ports connected to one switch
    I don't understand this yet. The OVN logical router already has logic
    to reply to ICMP requests. Can you add some more explanation to the
    commit message?
    dev mailing list
    d...@openvswitch.org <mailto:d...@openvswitch.org>

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