Sorry, I overlooked a third question (addendum to the previous two):

3. Does it make sense to impose a time out for expr_parse_target? The
default time out used by oss-fuzz fuzzing engines is 25 seconds i.e., a
bug is automatically filed for inputs that take longer than 25 seconds
to be processed by the fuzzer target. Is 25 seconds okay? Should it be
lower? If yes, I can send another patch that configures the time out in
the respective fuzzer.options file.


On 09/28/2018 01:39 PM, Bhargava Shastry wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Please ignore my comment regarding build (under the heading === 1. Build
> ===). There was a bug in my earlier patch which I fixed in my latest
> patch. Please don't rename anything in OvS repo or in the
> ovs-fuzzing-corpus repo. Local tests show everything works as expected.
> However, two questions remain:
> 1. Does it make sense to move the fuzzer build script to Openvswitch
> repo in the long run?
> 2. Does it make sense to impose a size limit on inputs to the
> expr_parse_fuzzer target.
> Thanks,
> Bhargava
> On 09/28/2018 12:42 PM, Bhargava Shastry wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Thanks for taking a close look applying the (edited) patch. I have a
>> couple of comments:
>> === 1. Build ===
>> Currently, all fuzzer test harnesses in OvS are built by this bash
>> script located at Google oss-fuzz repo [1]. The peculiar thing about
>> Google's fuzz infrastructure is that it expects fuzzer configuration and
>> seed corpus files to share the name of the fuzzer target.
>> [1]:
>> For instance, let's assume that the OvS build system produces a linked
>> fuzzer target called "openvswitch_expr_parse_target." Google's fuzzing
>> infra expects the configuration for this target to be called
>> "openvswitch_expr_parse_target.options" i.e.,
>> <fuzzer_target_name>.options and the seed corpus to be called
>> "" i.e.,
>> <fuzzer_target_name>
>> Now, the build script in the Google oss-fuzz repo (see [1]) takes care
>> of constructing the seed_corpus zip file. However, it expects the corpus
>> folder name to match the fuzzer target. Likewise for the fuzzer
>> configuration file.
>> The problem with the current patch integration is that the OvS build,
>> for some reason that I cannot comprehend (my make knowledge is poor),
>> creates a fuzzer target called "openvswitch_expr_parse_target" i.e., it
>> prefixes the string "openvswitch_" to its namesake C file,
>> expr_parse_target.c. One outcome of this (unexpected) change in naming
>> convention is that the fuzzer configuration options and seed corpora are
>> not picked up by oss-fuzz. For example, one of the fuzzer config options
>> asks the fuzzer to **not** generate inputs greater than 100 characters
>> but as you can see by a recent bug report, the input size to trigger the
>> bug is 8 kB. This brings me to my second concern. But before that, I
>> have a suggestion to address this issue:
>> Short-term: In the short term it suffices to rename the config files and
>> seed corpora according to the linked fuzzer target. This would mean
>> renaming the folder called "expr_parse_seed_corpus" to
>> "openvswitch_expr_parse_seed_corpus" in the openvswitch
>> ovs-fuzzing-corpus repo [2] AND renaming the fuzzer options file
>> (located at 'tests/oss-fuzz/config') "expr_parse_target.options" to
>> "openvswitch_expr_parse_target.options"
>> Long-term: In the long term, it may be wise to move the fuzzer build
>> script from the Google oss-fuzz repo to the Open vSwitch repo and
>> maintain it alongside OvS code. The Google oss-fuzz repo can then
>> contain a bash one liner like so:
>> ```
>> ./tests/oss-fuzz/
>> ```
>> that invokes OvS fuzzer build script. Perhaps, a README to this effect
>> can be added to aid maintenance.
>> === 2. Input size ===
>> I am not sure I completely understand the input specification of the OVN
>> parser. Should we impose a limit on the number of characters parsed by
>> the lexer/expression parser? The decision to make it 100 characters in
>> my earlier patch is ad-hoc. My reasoning was that these strings are
>> sourced from some sort of human (network administrator) input and hence
>> they are typically short. However, should it be sourced from a config
>> file of some sort, perhaps not imposing a character limit is good to
>> help the fuzzer tease out all sorts of corner cases.
>> So, here's my question. Currently, you can see that the fuzzer options
>> file for the ovn target
>> (tests/oss-fuzz/config/expr_parse_target.options) has a line to this effect:
>> max_len = 100
>> Do you suggest keeping it this way, doing away with it, or increasing it
>> to a higher threshold?
>> Thanks,
>> Bhargava
>> On 09/27/2018 11:27 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 02:07:42PM +0200, wrote:
>>>> From: Bhargava Shastry <>
>>>> Wraps overly long line in expr_parse_target.c
>>>> Signed-off-by: Bhargava Shastry <bshastry at>
>>> I folded this into the first patch.  Thanks!

Bhargava Shastry <>
Security in Telecommunications
TU Berlin / Telekom Innovation Laboratories
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, Sekr TEL 17 / D - 10587 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 8353 58235
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