
As per our discussion in the IRC meeting  today, i have added all the diagrams 
in following google doc.

Please take a look.

Appreciate the feedback so far, looking forward to more discussions.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ankur Sharma 
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 3:37 PM
To: 'Mark Michelson' <mmich...@redhat.com>; ovs-dev@openvswitch.org
Subject: RE: [ovs-dev] OVN based distributed virtual routing for VLAN backed 

Hi Mark,

Thanks a lot for the feedback.
Regarding the figures, i attached the PNGs (shows in my sent items), but looks 
like they got filtered.
My bad on that, is there a location, where OVS community uploads images for 
Please bear with us, hopefully, we will be able to avoid some of these glitches 
in our next conversations.

Appreciate your comments on the proposal, please find my replies inline.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Michelson <mmich...@redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 2:50 PM
To: Ankur Sharma <ankur.sha...@nutanix.com>; ovs-dev@openvswitch.org
Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] OVN based distributed virtual routing for VLAN backed 

Hi Ankur,

Thanks for the detailed document! I always appreciate it when things are 
planned out in great detail so we know exactly what to expect.

A general comment: there are places below where things like "figure 1" 
and "figure OVN bridge deployment" are referenced, but we can't see them. Is 
there a link to another document you can share that has these figures present?

Other comments of mine are inline below.

On 10/16/2018 06:43 PM, Ankur Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> We have done some effort in evaluating usage of OVN for Distributed 
> Virtual Routing (DVR) for vlan backed networks.
> We would like to take it forward with the community.
> We understand that some of the work could be overlapping with existing 
> patches in review.
> We would appreciate the feedback and would be happy to update our 
> patches to avoid known overlaps.
> This email explains the proposal. We will be following it up with patches.
> Each "CODE CHANGES" section summarizes the change that corresponding 
> patch would have.
> ======================================================
> 1. OVN Bridge Deployment
> ------------------------------------
> Our design follows following ovn-bridge deployment model (please refer 
> to figure OVN Bridge deployment).
>      i. br-int ==> OVN managed bridge.
>         br-pif ==> Learning Bridge, where physical NICs will be connected.
>     ii. Any packet that should be on physical network, will travel from BR-INT
>         to BR-PIF, via patch ports (localnet ports).
> 2. Layer 2
> -------------
>     DESIGN:
>     ~~~~~~~
>     a. Leverage on localnet logical port type as path port between br-int and
>         br-pif.
>     b. Each VLAN backed logical switch will have a localnet port connected
>         to it.
>     c. Tagging and untagging of vlan headers happens at localnet port 
> boundary.
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. Unlike geneve encap based solution, where we execute ingress pipeline 
> on
>         source chassis and egress pipeline on destination chassis, for vlan
>         backed logical switches, packet will go through ingress pipeline
>         on destination chassis as well.
>     PACKET FLOW (Figure 1. shows topology and Figure 2. shows the packet 
> flow):
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. VM sends unicast traffic (destined to VM2_MAC) to br-int.
>     b. For br-int, destination mac is not local, hence it will forward it to
>         localnet port (by design), which is attached to br-pif. This is
>         the stage at which vlan tag is added. Br-pif forwards the packet
>         to physical interface.
>     c. br-pif on destination chassis sends the received traffic to patch-ports
>         on br-int (as unicast or unknown unicast).
>     d. br-int does vlan tag check, strips the vlan header and sends
>         the packet to ingress pipeline of the corresponding datapath.
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. No encapsulation.
>     b. Both ingress and egress pipelines of logical switch are executed on
>         both source and destination hypervisor (unlike overlay where ingress
>         pipeline is executed on source hypervisor and egress on destination).
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. ovn-nb.ovsschema:
>          1. Add a new column to table Logical_Switch.
>          2. Column name would be "type".
>          3. Values would be either "vlan" or "overlay", with "overlay"
>              being default.
>     b. ovn-sbctl:
>          1. Add a new cli which sets the "type" of logical-switch.
>              ovn-nbctl ls-set-network-type SWITCH TYPE
>     c. ovn-northd:
>          1. Add a new enum to ovn_datapath struct, which will indicate
>              if logical_switch datapath type is overlay or vlan.
>          2. Populate a new key value pair in southbound database for Datapath
>              Bindings of Logical_Switch.
>          3. Key value pair: <logical-switch-type, "vlan" or "overlay">, 
> default
>              will be overlay.

I believe everything described in this section is doable in OVN already without 
any code changes.

Essentially, you can do the following:
1) On a logical switch, create a logical switch port of type "localnet" 
and set its addresses to "unknown".
2) On the localnet port, set options:network_name to a network name.
3) On the localnet port, set tag_request to the VLAN identifier you want to use.
4) On the hypervisor where ovn-controller runs, create the br-pif bridge.
5) On the hypervisor where ovn-controller runs, in the Open_vSwitch table's 
record, set external-ids:ovn-bridge-mappings = <network_name>:br-pif. 
"network_name" in this case is the network_name you set on the localnet port in 
step 2.

With this setup, ovn-controller will automatically create the patch ports 
between br-int and br-pif, and will use the VLAN tag from the localnet port for 
two purposes:
1) On traffic sent out of br-int over the patch port, the tag will be added to 
the packet.
2) On traffic received from the patch port into br-int, the VLAN tag must match 
the configured VLAN tag on the localnet port. If it matches, the tag is 

The only aspect of the above I'm not 100% sure about is the logical switch 
ingress and egress pipelines being run on both source and destination 
hypervisor. But I *think* that's how it works in this case.
Sorry, should have mentioned it.
yes, the current OVN implementation for localnet ports worked fine for us (we 
followed exactly same steps you mentioned, minus step 2.).

Our proposal is to add a new column in Logical_Switch table to indicate if a 
logical switch is of type "vlan" or "overlay".
This logical_switch type will be of help in our Layer 3 patches and based on 
network type, we can make some specific Forwarding decisions.

Please let us know your opinion on this.

> 3. Layer 3 East West
> --------------------
>     DESIGN:
>     ~~~~~~~
>     a. Since the router port is distributed and there is no encapsulation,
>         hence packets with router port mac as source mac cannot go on wire.
>     b. We propose replacing router port mac with a chassis specific mac,
>         whenever packet goes on wire.
>     c. Number of chassis_mac per chassis could be dependent on number of
>         physical nics and corresponding bond policy  on br-pif.
>        As of now, we propose only one chassis_mac per chassis
>        (shared by all resident logical routers). However, we are analyzing
>        if br-pif's bond policy would require more macs per chassis.
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. For a DVR E-W flow, both ingress and egress pipelines for 
> logical_router
>         will execute on source chassis only.
>     PACKET FLOW (Figure 3. shows topology and Figure 4. shows the packet 
> flow):
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. VM1 sends packet (destined to IP2), to br-int.
>     b. On Source hypervisor, packet goes through following pipelines:
>        1. Ingress: logical-switch 1
>        2. Egress:  logical-switch 1
>        3. Ingress: logical-router
>        4. Egress:  logical-router
>        5. Ingress: logical-switch2
>        6. Egress:  logical-switch2
>        On wire, packet goes out with destination logical switch's vlan.
>        As mentioned in design, source mac (RP2_MAC) would be replaced with
>        CHASSIS_MAC and destination mac would be that of VM2.
>     c. Packet reaches destination chassis and enters logical-switch2
>         pipeline in br-int.
>     d. Packet goes through logical-switch2 pipeline (both ingress and egress)
>         and gets forwarded to VM2.
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. ovn-sb.ovsschema:
>          1. Add a new column to the table Chassis.
>          2. Column name would be "chassis_macs", type being string and no
>              limit on range of values.
>          3. This column will hold a list if chassis unique macs.
>          4. This table will be populated from ovn-controller.
>     b. ovn-sbctl:
>          1. CLI to add/delete chassis_macs to/from the south bound database.
>     c. ovn-controller:
>          1. Read chassis macs from OVS Open_Vswitch table and populate
>              south bound database.
>          2. In table=65, add a new flow at priority 150, which will do 
> following:
>             a. Match: source_mac == router_port_mac, metadata ==
>                 destination_logical_switch, logical_outport = localnet_port
>             b. Action: Replace source mac with chassis_mac, add vlan tag.

It sounds like this shares some similarities with this proposed patch: 

In the linked patch, the idea is to use a consistent source MAC in order to 
play well with physical switches. However, the approach used in the linked 
patch is quite different from your proposal here.

I like your proposal because I like the explicit configuration. The one 
question I have is, how do you determine which chassis MAC to use if multiple 
are specified? One idea might be to use something similar to the 
ovn-bridge-mappings. In other words, you map a network_name to a specific 
chassis MAC.

We went through this series.
yes, it might look to be on similar lines, but it differs in following ways:
a. Fix is to use the gateway router port mac for any reply packets from  
gateway chassis, which makes it specific
    to gateway router port.
b. Out proposal is meant for E-W,
i.e we want to make sure that in the absence of any encapsulation, distributed 
the router port mac does not go on the wire as source mac.

And just to complete the story,  only non distributed router port's (cr-lrp-*)  
mac will be sent on the wire and on the corresponding gateway chassis only.

c. For gateway router port, we intend to send periodic (tunable and at interval 
of approx. 3 minutes) garps (or RARPs ?) 
    to make sure that physical switch will not age the gateway router port mac.
   This will be helpful in request packets as well, since they will directed to 
gateway router port.

Regarding multiple CHASSIS Macs:
a. Yes, you are right, in case of multiple uplink bridges, we should map 
chassis_mac, with a bridge.
    We will make sure this change in there, when we send out the patch for 

> 4. LAYER 3 North South (NO NAT)
> -------------------------------
>     DESIGN:
>     ~~~~~~~
>     a. For talking to external network endpoint, we will need a gateway
>        on OVN DVR.
>     b. We propose to use the gateway_chassis construct to achieve the same.
>     c. LRP will be attached to Gateway Chassis(s) and only on the active
>         chassis we will respond to ARP request for the LRP IP from undelay
>         network.
>     d. If NATing (keeping state) is not involved then traffic need not go
>         via the gateway chassis always, i.e traffic from OVN chassis to
>         external network need not go via the gateway chassis.
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. From endpoint on OVN chassis to endpoint on underlay.
>        i. Like DVR E-W, logical_router ingress and egress pipelines are
>           executed on source chassis.
>     b. From endpoint on underlay TO endpoint on OVN chassis.
>        i. logical_router ingress and egress pipelines are executed on
>           gateway chassis.
>     PACKET FLOW LS ENDPOINT to UNDERLAY ENDPOINT (Figure 5. shows topology):
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. Packet flow in this case is exactly same as Layer 3 E-W.
>     PACKET FLOW UNDERLAY ENDPOINT to LS ENDPOINT (Figure 5. shows topology and
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Figure 6. shows the packet flow):
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. Gateway for endpoints behind DVR will be resident on only
>         gateway-chassis.
>     b. Unicast packets will come to gateway-chassis, with destination MAC
>         being RP2_MAC.
>     c. From now on, it is like L3 E-W flow.
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. ovn-northd:
>          1. Changes to respond to vlan backed router port ARP from uplink,
>             only if it is on a gateway chassis.
>          2. Changes to make sure that in the absence of NAT configuration,
>             OVN_CHASSIS to external network traffic does not go via the 
> gateway
>             chassis.
>     b. ovn-controller:
>          1. Send out garps, advertising the vlan backed router port's
>             (which has gateway chassis attached to it) from the
>             active gateway chassis.

It may be because it's getting late, but I'm having trouble following this :)

Maybe the figures would help to visualize it better?

Yes, my bad on that. Please suggest, how to share the PNGs in community (I can 
add the ASCII drawings but they might not render well).

> 5. LAYER 3 North South (NAT)
> ----------------------------
>     SNAT, DNAT, SNAT_AND_DNAT (without external mac):
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. Our proposal aligns with following patch series which is out for 
> review:
>         link 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__patchwork.ozlabs.
> org_patch_952119_&d=DwIC-g&c=s883GpUCOChKOHiocYtGcg&r=mZwX9gFQgeJHzTg-
> 68aCJgsODyUEVsHGFOfL90J6MJY&m=DrUEx5o-hlioi3sUIucV-m2_VuYrU-flZsCzNNBW
> 97U&s=aLwsdaC1DrPgC4-OxMfcQwtsnGxOqCbYBn4sWNDtDWg&e=>
>     b. However, our implementation deviates from proposal in following areas:
>        i. Usage of lr_in_ip_routing:
>           Our implementation sets the redirect flag after routing decision is 
> taken.
>           This is to ensure that a user entered static route will not affect 
> the
>           redirect decision (unless it is meant to).
>       ii. Using Tenant VLAN ID for "redirection":
>           Our implementation uses external network router port's
>           (router port that has gateway chassis attached to it) vlan id
>           for redirection. This is because chassisredirect port is NOT on
>           tenant network and logically packet is being forwarded to
>           chassisredirect port.
>     SNAT_AND_DNAT (with external mac):
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     a. Current OVN implementation of not going via gateway chassis aligns with
>         our design and it worked fine.
> This is just an initial proposal. We have identified more areas that 
> should be worked upon, we will submit patches (and put forth 
> topics/design for discussion), as we make progress.
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Ankur
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