On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 08:09:59PM +0000, Venugopal Iyer wrote:
> Of course we want users to upgrade the entire system.  We just need to
> make sure that it's possible to upgrade one piece at a time in an order
> that ensures that the system isn't broken by a partial upgrade.  The
> specified order for OVN is to upgrade the HVs first, then the central
> node.  (Although apparently some people want to do it in the other
> order, which is currently a problem.)
> <vi> Thanks, I have updated the repo to squash all the commits and added a 
> high 
> <vi> level commit message. Please let me know if the message is helpful 
> and/or if
> <vi> there are some best practices that I should follow. FYI, branch mvtep-br
> <vi> @ https://github.com/iyervl/nv-ovs

Thanks for the revision.

It's not clear to me whether you believe that the upgrade compatibility
issue is fixed.  Is it?


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