    My OVN cluster has 3 OVN-northd nodes, They are proxied by Haproxy with a 
VIP. Recently, I restart OVN cluster frequently.  One of the members report the 
logs below.
    After read the code and paper of RAFT, it seems normal process ,If the 
follower does not find an entry in its log with the same index and term, then 
it refuses the new entries.
    I think it's reasonable to refuse. But, as we could not control Haproxy or 
some proxy maybe, so it will happen error when an session assignate to the 
failed follower.
    Does have some means or ways to solve this problem. Maybe we can kick off 
the failed follower or disconnect it from the haproxy then synchronize the date 
?  Hope to hear your suggestion.

2019-11-27T14:22:17.060Z|00240|raft|INFO|rejecting append_request because 
previous entry 1103,50975 not in local log (mismatch past end of log)
2019-11-27T14:22:17.064Z|00241|raft|ERR|Dropped 34 log messages in last 12 
seconds (most recently, 0 seconds ago) due to excessive rate
2019-11-27T14:22:17.064Z|00242|raft|ERR|internal error: deferred append_reply 
message completed but not ready to send because message index 14890 is past 
last synced index 0: a2b2 append_reply "mismatch past end of log": term=1103 
log_end=14891 result="inconsistency"
2019-11-27T14:22:17.402Z|00243|raft|INFO|rejecting append_request because 
previous entry 1103,50975 not in local log (mismatch past end of log)

[root@ovn1 ~]#  ovs-appctl -t /var/run/openvswitch/ovnsb_db.ctl cluster/status 
Name: OVN_Southbound
Cluster ID: 4c54 (4c546513-77e3-4602-b211-2e200014ad79)
Server ID: a2b2 (a2b2a9c5-cf58-4724-8421-88fd5ca5d94d)
Address: tcp:
Status: cluster member
Role: leader
Term: 1103
Leader: self
Vote: self

Log: [42052, 51009]
Entries not yet committed: 0
Entries not yet applied: 0
Connections: ->beaf ->9a33 <-9a33 <-beaf
    a2b2 (a2b2 at tcp: (self) next_index=15199 
    beaf (beaf at tcp: next_index=51009 match_index=0
    9a33 (9a33 at tcp: next_index=51009 match_index=51008

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