On 12/4/20 6:54 PM, Ilya Maximets wrote:
> ovn-controller will receive updates from Logical_DP_Group table
> and process logical flows accordingly.  Feature is fully backward
> compatible since old 'logical_datapath' column kept as is.
> It will also be used by nothd to not create datapath groups if there
> is ony one datapath in it.
> Unfortunately, almost every part of the ovn-controller depends on
> fact that there is 1:1 relation between logical flows and logical
> datapaths, starting from the logical flow handling and all the way
> to deep internals of expression parsing and I-P engine.
> So, instead of re-writing everything we're taking a "safe" approach
> and just re-factoring a bit to add new 'datapath' arguments to
> functions and call them in a loop for all datapaths in a datapath
> group.  This might have some performance impact in case datapath
> groups are actually used by nothd and there are many datapaths that
> are local to this ovn-controller.  However, this imapct might be
> compensated by lower number of logical flows in general.
> There should be no performance penalty if datapath groups are not
> used by northd.
> Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maxim...@ovn.org>
> ---

Looks good to me, thanks!

Acked-by: Dumitru Ceara <dce...@redhat.com>

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