Ack. I will try to see if I can address it by the end of the week.

Thanks for clarifying the questions.

Would GH actions be better than appveyor?


On 2 Jun 2023, at 12:25, Ilya Maximets <> wrote:
> On 6/1/23 13:50, Ilya Maximets wrote:
>>> On 5/31/23 23:05, Alin Serdean wrote:
>>> That makes sense.
>>> We can leverage the  following commit:
>>> <>
>>> But I still need to fix the permissions. I’ll try to find some time and 
>>> address it.
>> Thanks.  I actually forgot about this patch.  Would be great if you can
>> send an updated version.  Would also be great to migrate to OpenSSL 3.0
>> instead of 1.1.1 to not migrate again in some not so distant future.
>> OpenSSL 3.0 should work fine, unless there are some other library changes
>> (not OpenSSL 3.1, because OpenSSL 3.1 is not an LTS release).
> I'll mark  the current patch as 'rejected' for now in favor of the
> future OpenSSL update with your suggested change.
>>> I remember there were some discussions to modernize the build system to 
>>> meson or cmake. Was that effort fruitful in the end?
>> The main issue with meson is that we still need automake/autotools for
>> our testsuite.  We might invoke autotest from meson, but it sounds a
>> bit strange to do that.  I agree that it is still beneficial in some
>> cases to use meson, e.g. for a windows build, so might make sense to
>> migrate anyway, but an attempt from 2021 didn't receive any follow ups.
>> There was also a PR to add Windows build to GitHub Actions, but it
>> didn't move since your request to Sign-off the changes.
>> Best regards, Ilya Maximets.
>>> Alin.
>>>> On 31 May 2023, at 22:41, Ilya Maximets <> wrote:
>>>> On 5/31/23 22:36, Alin Serdean wrote:
>>>>> It would be best to change the link with the latest version of OpenSSL. 
>>>>> That will ensure there are no mishaps .
>>>> I think the problem here is that only provides
>>>> OpenSSL 1.1.1+ right now and our build system doesn't work
>>>> with that version.  And I don't have enough experience with
>>>> windows build in order to fix it...
>>>> Best regards, Ilya Maximets.
>>>>> Alin.
>>>>>> On 31 May 2023, at 21:23, Ilya Maximets <> wrote:
>>>>>> OpenSSL is already available in the exact location we need it [1].
>>>>>> Also, the download itself fails for a long time already, because
>>>>>> the version we're trying to download is not available.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> appveyor.yml | 14 --------------
>>>>>> 1 file changed, 14 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
>>>>>> index 25c3f69fb..3287733b2 100644
>>>>>> --- a/appveyor.yml
>>>>>> +++ b/appveyor.yml
>>>>>> @@ -11,22 +11,8 @@ init:
>>>>>> - ps: $env:PATH ="C:\Python37;"+$env:PATH
>>>>>> - ps: New-Item -Type HardLink -Path "C:\Python37\python3.exe" -Value 
>>>>>> "C:\Python37\python.exe"
>>>>>> - ps: >-
>>>>>> -    mkdir C:\ovs-build-downloads
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>    mkdir C:\openvswitch\driver
>>>>>> -    $source = "";
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    $destination = "C:\ovs-build-downloads\Win64OpenSSL-1_0_2u.exe"
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    cd C:\ovs-build-downloads
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    .\Win64OpenSSL-1_0_2u.exe /silent /verysilent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    Start-Sleep -s 30
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>    cd C:\openvswitch
>>>>>>    git clone c:\pthreads4w-code
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> 2.40.1
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