Systemd also manages the ovsdb process, will there be a conflict?
Shanmugam <>发送时间:2016年12月8日(星期四) 09:26收件人:姜尚0387 
<>; discuss <>; Andy Zhou 
<>; blp <>主 题:Re: [ovs-discuss] On OVNDB-HA using 
pacemaker two issues discussed



    On Wednesday 07 December 2016 08:58 AM,
      姜尚0387 wrote:

      I am learning OVNDB-HA using pacemaker, I feel this is a good
      At the same time I have two questions and would like to

        1,  we have two resources, one is the master node of the
        OVNDB, one is VIP.
              Pacemaker resource constraints are dependencies, not
        symbiotic, so we must consider who depends on who.

             If the master node OVNDB dependence VIP,  VIP or VIP
        network down, OVNDB master node will follow the VIP migration,
        But the OVNDB process of the master node is dead and there is no
             If the VIP is dependent on the OVNDB master process, 
        When the OVNDB master process down, all will migrate. And VIP or
        VIP network down Indicating that the node is down, all will
             Is it better to configure the resource constraints ?

        pcs constraint order ovndb_servers-master then VirtualIP   
  pcs constraint colocation add VirtualIP with master ovndb_servers-master 

        2,  OVN nodes in a total of three processes, the South to the
        database, north to the database, northd process.


               But only in the OCF script to start and monitor the
        database process, there is no northd process.


                 How to ensure high reliability northd process?


                 My idea is OCF script at the same time start and
        monitor northd process, because I think these three processes is



    We have the systemd resource for ovn-northd. One can create
    primitive systemd pacemaker resource for northd which will start
    ovn-north in another in cluster when the node in which it runs


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