Thank you for you reply. 

Recently i have read the  meter patch which realized in  user mode space in 
detail. Especially the  "dp_netdev_run_meter" function.

I don't think the implementation logical follow the openflow agreement.

For example , command likes next:

band=type=drop, rate=3000, burst_size= 4000 
band=type=drop, rate =5000, burst_size=6000

The implementation logical in that patch is choose the minimum speed limit 
values , just always rate 3000 , and never have a chance to choose 5000.  
Because the bucket of band just as for the rate in band basically.  Is it like 
this ?

If follow with the openflow agreement, first we must have a measured speed. 
This measured speed decide which band we to choose. In above example, if 
measured speed is 4500, must choose rate 3000; if measured is 6500, must choose 
rate 5000. 

We have too many questions about these . Even so , the next step our team need 
to implement such an algorithm in kernel mode. If you hava any news about 
meter, hope can tell us in advance.
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