Hi Yangyunlong,

Thanks for your email and work investigating the issue.

DPDK 17.11 is not supported by default for OVS 2.8.1. OVS 2.8.1 uses DPDK 
17.05.2. Typically support for new DPDK versions are not backported between 
releases so as such this is not a bug.

However support for DPDK 17.11 was up streamed recently to the master OVS 
branch with commit 5e925cc, it will be supported in the upcoming OVS 2.9 
release and includes the changes you have detailed below.

If you are interested in using 17.11 with the master branch I recommend you 
checkout commit dc92f724d4641bcf9fce95db262f314264e473af.

This commit supports 17.11 as well as a few bug fixes for running travis with 
DPDK 17.11.


From: ovs-discuss-boun...@openvswitch.org 
[mailto:ovs-discuss-boun...@openvswitch.org] On Behalf Of ??&??
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 2:53 AM
To: bugs <b...@openvswitch.org>
Subject: [ovs-discuss] a bug in open switch-2.8.1

  My name is yangyunlong,I am Chinese 。I use  openvswitch-2.8.1 with 
dpdk-17.11.tar, my system is Linux version 4.9.29, gcc version is 5.4.0. when I 
compile Open vSwitch with DPDK, I compile failed, I found a bug in Open 
vSwitch,I found  an error refer to line 2453 and 2455 of netdev-dpdk.c。pci_dev 
in line 2453 and 2455 is an element of dev_info,dev_info is a type of struct 
rte_eth_dev_info,defined in rte_ethdev.h . pci_dev in rte_eth_dev_info is a 
type of strict rte_pci_device, just declared in line 1007 of rte_ethdev.h. so  
pci_dev in dev_info is incompleted ,we can’t use its elements, but you use  
dev_info.pci_dev->is.vendor_id and dev_info.pci_dev->is.device_id in line 2453 
and 2455 of netdev-dpdk.c 。 so i compile failed. I include rte_bus_pci.h in 
front of netdev-dpdk.c 。I compile successed.
    I write this email just want to help you to correct it, help Open vSwitch 
better and better 。
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