[dropping OP, who probably doesn't care]

On Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 12:07:09PM +1300, Brad Cowie wrote:
> What happened is that in faucet 1.6.12 we added a bunch of new packet
> handling sanity checks to help improve security of faucet's packet
> handling. Packets made by ofproto/trace -generate will have a zero-length
> payload which trips some of our sanity checks which will cause us to drop
> the packet.

If OVS generated a packet with some nonzero size payload, would that fix
the problem?  It's easy for us to change the details, we would just add
some code to flow_compose_l4() in lib/flow.c to put some L7 data into
the UDP packet.

I suspect that changing the tutorial from using UDP to TCP might also
work around the issue?  After all, TCP packets with empty payloads are
pretty common, at least (off the top of my head) if they have SYN or FIN
or RST attached.
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