Thank you for your reply.

I tried:
in all nodes.

After that,when I run for example: *"ovs-appctl  ofproto/trace br1
in_port=1"* on bridge1, I receive the following message:

*WARN|failed to connect to .../n1.conf/ovs-vswitchd.50.ctl*

there is no ovs-vswitch.50.ctl in $(pwd) directory.

I found *ovs-vswitchd.50.ctl* in */usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/ *directory
and after that:

*ovs-appctl  -t  /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/ ovs-vswitchd.50.ctl
bridge/dump-flows br1 *


*unknown bridge*
*ovs-appctl: /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/ ovs-vswitchd.50.ctl :server
returend an error*

the mentioned command only works on a specific bridge(br3).

So I guess I should try to find the correct  ovs-vswitchd.*.ctl for each
bridge but it's not reasonable when I have several OVSs.

Do you have any suggestion in this case?

Is there any other way to trace the packets in OVS?

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Ben Pfaff <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 02:53:25PM -0500, Myra Sh wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I run several instances of OVS and I am using the following command and
> > path to configure them:
> >
> > ovs-vsctl --db=unix:$(pwd)/db.sock add-br br0
> >
> > The problem in having several instances is that when I want to run
> > "ovs-appctl ..." to trace packets, I have to define a path or target for
> > this command.
> >
> > Do you have any suggestion that how I can define this target path for
> each
> > OVS in the mentioned scenario?
> >
> > Should I check for any ovs-vswitch.*.ctl file and put that in the target
> > part?
> It sounds like you should run something like "OVS_RUNDIR=$(pwd); export
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