Hello everyone,

I configured two OVSs as follows,

OVS1(eth0) ------- (eth0)OVS2

ovs-vsctl add-br brx
ovs-vsctl add-port brx ethx
ip addr flush dev ethx
ip addr add 10.0.0.x/16 dev brx
ip link set brx up

Then I set them to connect to a controller as follows,
ovs-vsctl set-controller brx tcp:....

When I check the discovered topology in the controller, 10.0.0.X addresses
are recognized as hosts connected to OVSs and the MAC address of the OVSs
are considered as MAC address for hosts.

However, in this case, I do not want to have any hosts, I just want to
configure OVSs to see how they can forward packets between themselves.

Could you help me with this issue?

thank you
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