Apologies, please ignore the $'s in port$0 and port $1. That is a cut
and paste error since I actually utilized a bash script recommended in
the openvswitch documentation.

Those lines should read:

ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 port0 -- set Interface port0
ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 port1-- set Interface port1

On Wed, 2018-05-02 at 03:57 -0500, Chevy Stroker via discuss wrote:
> My apologies in advance if this has been asked and answered. I would
> appreciate instructions if there is a way to search the archive.
> Also, to the developers thank you for this software.
> I am building a development environment on a laptop. 
> OS: openSUSE LEAP 42.3
> openvswitch version: 2.7.0-7.1
> The wlan0 interface is configured through wicked for ease of
> configuration while developing while mobile or even while off the
> network.
> I followed these instructions to try and configure openvswitch
> correctly:
> https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Wicked/OpenvSwitch
> I have also read the current openvswitch documents and those are well
> written. Again, thank you.
> His is what I have done (shortened for brevity):
> ovs-vsctl add-br ovsbr0
> ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 port0 -- set Interface port$0
> type=internal
> ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 port1-- set Interface port$1
> type=internal
> ifcfg* files are:
> kvm:/etc/sysconfig/network # more ifcfg-ovsbr0 
> BOOTPROTO=static
> kvm:/etc/sysconfig/network # more ifcfg-port0
> kvm:/etc/sysconfig/network # more ifcfg-port1
> Run ifup all and start my KVM VM guest assigned to port1 and
> everything
> works.
> Reboot and the openvswitch database is empty (e.g. ovs-vsctl show
> displays nothing)
> I assumed that I had a timing conflict between wicked and
> openvswitch.
> Scripting the openvswitch build in bash and re-doing my configuration
> is not a big deal, but I did investigate farther.
> These were my steps:
> systemctl disable openvswitch.service
> systemctl stop openvswitch.service (this also stops ovs-
> vswitchd.service  ovsdb-server.service)
> systemctl start openvswitch.service
> ovs-vsctl show (everything is there)
> systemctl stop openvswitch.service (hoping to not lose my database)
> reboot
> Once the system is restarted I:
> systemctl start openvswitch.service (this also starts ovs-
> vswitchd.service  ovsdb-server.service)
> ovs-vsctl show (the database is empty)
> Luckily I backed up the database so:
> systemctl stop openvswitch.service
> cd /etc/openvswitch
> mv conf.db.backup conf.db
> systemctl start openvswitch.service
> ovs-vsctl show (everything is there)
> ifup all (I'm back in business)
> Any idea why the database ends up empty or is there a configuration I
> have missed?
> Thank you in advance for any suggestions, and if there are none that
> is
> OK as well. I am happy scripting the rebuild steps.
> Sorry for the long post. It just seemed easier to cover all of the
> details thoroughly than do a back and forth on the list flooding
> people's INBOX.
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