Thanks, Ben. 

Sorry for the delay. Please find attached a draft design proposal and let me 
know your comments etc. I did some quick 
prototyping to  check  for  feasibility too;  I can share that, if it helps.
Note, the document is a draft and, I admit, there might be  things that I 
haven't thought about/through, or missed.  I am 
attaching a text doc, assuming it might be easier, but if you'd like it in a 
different format, please let me know.


    On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, 10:30:23 AM PDT, Ben Pfaff <> 
 Honestly the best thing to do is probably to propose a design or, if
it's simple enough, to send a patch.  That will probably be more
effective at sparking a discussion.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 03:33:48PM +0000, venugopal iyer wrote:
>  Hi:
> Just wanted to check if folks had any thoughts on the use case Girish 
> outlined below. We do have
> a real use case for this and are interested in looking at options for 
> supporting more than one VTEP IP.It is currently a limitation for us, wanted 
> to know if there are similar use cases folks are looking at/interested in 
> addressing.
> thanks,
> -venu
>    On Thursday, September 6, 2018, 9:19:01 AM PDT, venugopal iyer via dev 
><> wrote:  
>  Would it be possible for the association <logical port|dst MAC, VTEP> to be 
> when the logical port is instantiated on a node? and relayed on to the SB by
> the controller, e.g. assuming a mechanism to specify/determine a physical 
> port mapping for a
> logical port for a VM.  The <physical port,encap-ip> mappings can be 
> specified as
> configuration on the chassis. In the absence of physical port information for
> a logical port/VM, I suppose we could default to an encap-ip.
> just a thought,
> -venu
>   On Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 2:03:35 PM PDT, Ben Pfaff <> 
> wrote:  
>  How would OVN know which IP to use for a given logical port on a
> chassis?
> I think that the "multiple tunnel encapsulations" is meant to cover,
> say, Geneve vs. STT vs. VXLAN, not the case you have in mind.
> On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 09:50:32AM -0700, Girish Moodalbail wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I would like to add more context here. In the diagram below
> > 
> > +----------------------------------+
> > |ovn-host                          |
> > |                                  |
> > |                                  |
> > |      +-------------------------+|
> > |      |        br-int          ||
> > |      +----+-------------+------+|
> > |            |            |      |
> > |        +--v-----+  +---v----+  |
> > |        | geneve |  | geneve |  |
> > |        +--+-----+  +---+----+  |
> > |            |            |      |
> > |          +-v----+    +--v---+  |
> > |          | IP0  |    | IP1  |  |
> > |          +------+    +------+  |
> > +----------+ eth0 +-----+ eth1 +---+
> >            +------+    +------+
> > 
> > eth0 and eth are, say, in its own physical segments. The VMs that are
> > instantiated in the above ovn-host will have multiple interfaces and each
> > of those interface need to be on a different Geneve VTEP.
> > 
> > I think the following entry in OVN TODOs (
> >
> > 
> > ---------------8<------------------8<---------------
> > Support multiple tunnel encapsulations in Chassis.
> > 
> > So far, both ovn-controller and ovn-controller-vtep only allow chassis to
> > have one tunnel encapsulation entry. We should extend the implementation to
> > support multiple tunnel encapsulations
> > ---------------8<------------------8<---------------
> > 
> > captures the above requirement. Is that the case?
> > 
> > Thanks again.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > ~Girish
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:00 PM Girish Moodalbail <>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello all,
> > >
> > > Is it possible to configure remote_ip as a 'flow' instead of an IP address
> > > (i.e., setting ovn-encap-ip to a single IP address)?
> > >
> > > Today, we have one VTEP endpoint per OVN host and all the VMs that
> > > connects to br-int  on that OVN host are reachable behind this VTEP
> > > endpoint. Is it possible to have multiple VTEP endpoints for a br-int
> > > bridge and use Open Flow flows to select one of the VTEP endpoint?
> > >
> > >
> > > +----------------------------------+
> > > |ovn-host                          |
> > > |                                  |
> > > |                                  |
> > > |      +-------------------------+|
> > > |      |        br-int          ||
> > > |      +----+-------------+------+|
> > > |            |            |      |
> > > |        +--v-----+  +---v----+  |
> > > |        | geneve |  | geneve |  |
> > > |        +--+-----+  +---+----+  |
> > > |            |            |      |
> > > |          +-v----+    +--v---+  |
> > > |          | IP0  |    | IP1  |  |
> > > |          +------+    +------+  |
> > > +----------+ eth0 +-----+ eth1 +---+
> > >            +------+    +------+
> > >
> > > Also, we don't want to bond eth0 and eth1 into a bond interface and then
> > > use bond's IP as VTEP endpoint.
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > ~Girish
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > _______________________________________________
> > discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> dev mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> dev mailing list
>too,  I can share that if it helps.
                                        OVN Multi-VTEP - Draft Design 
                                                Version 1.0
1. Context
Currently, OVN overlay is configured using the following ovn parameters as 
external-ids to OVS on
each chassis:

        1. ovn-encap-ip: "The" [outer] IP used to connect to this chassis
        2. ovn-encap-type: List of supported overlay: Geneve, STT and VXLAN 
(though VXLAN is only
           used to communicate with gateways given its fixed/limited header 

When there are multiple ovn-encap-types, each type will be paired with the 
encap-ip (ovn-

This works well in the generic case as OVN communication between remote 
hypervisors takes place
using their corresponding IPs, independent of whether the IP is configured on 
an interface or
a bond, as long as they are reachable using L3.

2. Problem Statement
The single ovn-encap-ip (henceforth referred as single VTEP) becomes an issue 
when we start
working with SR-IOV and multiple NICs, all participating Alsoin OVN logical 
network. E.g:

        Chassis X
        |                                       |
        |       +-------+       +-------+       |       
        |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       | vm1   |       | vm2   |       |
        |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       +-------+       +-------+       |
        |          |vf1             |vf2        |
        |  +-------+                +-------+   |considerations
        |  |    +-----------------------+   |   |
        |  |    |       br-int          |   |   |
        |  |    +-----------------------+   |   |
        |  |        |       |geneve   |     |   |
        |  |        |    (encap-ip=X) |     |   |
        |  |        |                 |     |   |
        |  |        |                 |     |   |
        |  |        |vf1_rep   vf2_rep|     |   |
        |  |      +-----+         +-----+   |   |
        |  +------|     |         |     |---+   |
        +---------|nic1 |---------|nic2 |-------+
                  +-----+         +-----+
                     |               |
                   IP X            IP Y

1. This assumes OVS support in the NIC, e.g Mellanox ASAP2[2] - so we'll give 
the VFs to the guest
   and hook up the corresponding representors to br-int; geneve offload should 
be possible in the 
   not-so distant future, I believe.
2. There could be a case for multiple NICs without SR-IOV where we have each 
connected to a
   different network and expect the guest to use specific physical interface to 
get out of the

In the picture above, the expectation is for VFs, given to the guest, to use 
their underlying NIC
to exit out, for the following reasons:

1. Use all the available physical NICs in the logical network.
2. The NICs may be connected to different network and we want the traffic on 
the VFs to exit over
   that network. E.g. we have an scenario where each NIC is considerationsused 
for GPU direct communication and
   has a peer on the remote.
3. OVS offload, offload doesn't span physical NICs.

With the current OVN design traffic from vm1 or vm2 to the other will enter the 
logical network
and be encapsulated with the remote's ovn-encap-ip. This will mean that all the 
traffic between
the two chassis will always be received on the NIC that hosts the ovn-remote-ip 
(and likely routed
over the ovn-encap-ip on the source).
Bonding the physical NICs is not an option as, I don’t believe,  we can't 
guarantee that the VFs
will use their underlying NICs when transmitting and also due to the lack of 
offload support
across a bond (of separate NICs).

3. Design Proposal
The proposal is to:
        1. Extend the ovn-encap-ip to accept a list of IPs (i.e. multiple VTEP) 
        2. Bind the logical ports to the desired VTEP, if needed.

3.1 Tunnels between Chassis
Specifically, ovn-encap-ip will be a comma separated list (similar to 
ovn-encap-type) - this might
mean we  need to rename it to ovn-encap-ips, but given ovn-encap-type takes a 
list, we could leave
it as ovn-encap-ip.  Each IP in ovn-encap-ip is paired with each ovn-encap-type 
for a  chassis.


# ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids:ovn-encap-ip

When ovn-controller registers the chassis with the SB (chassis_run), we 
register the list of
encaps (as currently), but instead of pairing each ovn-encap-type with a single 
we pair each ovn-encap-type with each ovn-encap-ip, so, assuming:

        ovn-encap-ip:x, y
we'll have:
        encaps: x-geneve, x-stt, y-geneve, y-stt

when, currently, we have:
And, hence:
        encaps: x-geneve, x-stt
This can be achieved in 2 ways:

3.1.1 Option I
When  creating the tunnels to all the remote chassis (encaps_run), we could 
extend the current
logic, i.e. create multiple ovn tunnels, one for each remote IP for the remote 

This means we'll have as many tunnels (of the preferred type) to a remote 
chassis as there are
VTEPs configured on the remote. So, with n nodes, each with m VTEP of the 
preferred type, every
chassis will end up with (n - 1) * m tunnel ports on br-int. This will also 
likely increase the
number of openflow rules on a host.

The advantage to this approach is that most of the other processing remains 
largely unchanged,
except for getting a tunnel based on <chassis id, VTEP> instead of <chassis 
id>. If the specific
VTEP is not available (i.e. we are sending a packet to a gateway_chassis), we 
could pick the first
VTEP on that chassis. Some of the data structures such as chassis_tunnel, 
chassis_tunnel_find(), will need to be updated to support this.

3.1.2 Option II
Instead of creating a tunnel for every VTEP on the remote, we could create only 
one tunnel port on
each chassis with remote-up as flow.


# ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids:system-id

# ovs-vsctl list port ovn-9622c6-0
_uuid                   : 9456553c-c78b-449b-bf2b-ef550ad6e79b
external_ids            : 

# ovs-vsctl list  interface ovn-9622c6-0
_uuid                   : d35ad77d-076c-456d-83a5-73e12b81fdf5
options                 : {csum="true", key=flow, remote_ip=flow}

When sending a packet to a remote, we will get the desired remote VTEP (section 
3.2) and include
it as part of the encapsulation, e.g. if we are sending a paconsiderationscket 
to a logical port that's bound
to VTEP Y on the remote, we'll include  the following in put_encapsulation:
        put_load(<ip Y>, MFF_TUN_DST, 0, 32, ofpacts);

The advantage of this approach is that it is elegant and will significantly 
reduce the number
of tunnel ports on each chassis.

However, it will need more changes, i.e instead of walking the chassis list in 
SB and creating
a tunnel for each remote, we will only create a tunnel port for "our" chassis 
and use the
associated ofport to communicate with logical ports on all remote hypervisors.

When creating the openflow rules for remote ports, we will aAlsolways select 
the ofport of the tunnel and create an encapsulation with the destination IP of 
the remote hosting the port.

As for BFD using the tunnel to detect reachability, we could use *a* VTEP on 
the remote chassis, 
I think. 

The open question about this approach is the support for output to tunnels with 
backup. In the case of distributed router port with multiple gateway_chassis, 
currently, I
believe, we create a bundle and add the ofport of the tunnels to reach the 
nodes in the list of
gateway_chassis. With this option there is only one ofport on the host, so, 
unless I am missing
it, not sure if active/backup can be supported.

Preferred approach:
        Though Option II seems to make use of tunnel ports more effectively, if 
        can't be supported, I suppose Option I is preferred.

3.2 Port Binding
Regardless of the alternative selected in creating the tunnels between chassis, 
 want to select
the VTEP when communicating with a logical port on a remote chassis.

In terms of overlay, we want to have a mapping between the destination MAC and 
remote VTEP. 

Currently, we use the Port Binding to get the Chassis, which hosts the logical 
port and use the
Chassis's VTEP to get to it. With this proposal, each Chassis could have 
multiple VTEP and we
want to associate the destination MAC (the logical port) to a specific VTEP on 
the chassis.

This can be achieved in 2 ways:

3.2.1 Option I
Extend the SB port binding to include a VTEP column in addition to the Chassis. 
This seems logical
in the context of overlay, i.e. in terms of mapping the logical port to a VTEP. 
Thus the SB record
will have an additional column, "encap" and in addition to adding the port 
binding record (in
consider_local_datapath via sbrec_port_binding_set_chassis()), we will also add 
the VTEP binding
record, e.g. via sbrec_port_binding_set_encap().

# ovn-sbctl list port_binding ls1-vm1
_uuid                   : 22e82b30-2947-4667-9274-1ed1cbbd5452
chassis                 : de7ca9fd-c79a-42df-af38-c98c9b4dd9ab
datapath                : 1356caaf-2170-4039-afc2-524d10b0d2aa
encap                   : 3b4f6cbc-b8c7-4e2b-9e45-ec723d372ce0
external_ids            : {}
gateway_chassis         : []
logical_port            : "ls1-vm1"
mac                     : ["02:ac:10:ff:00:11"]
nat_addresses           : []
options                 : {}
parent_port             : []
tag                     : []
tunnel_key              : 1
type                    : ""

The encap is one of the encaps that is associated with the chassis it is bound 
to, i.e.:

# ovn-sbctl --column encaps list chassis de7ca9fd-c79a-42df-af38-c98c9b4dd9ab
encaps                  : [3b4f6cbc-b8c7-4e2b-9e45-ec723d372ce0, 

The encap associated with “ls1-vm1” is

# ovn-sbctl list encap 3b4f6cbc-b8c7-4e2b-9e45-ec723d372ce0
_uuid                   : 3b4f6cbc-b8c7-4e2b-9e45-ec723d372ce0
chassis_name            : "225741f3-f92f-4074-b41d-e24d2ee4fb6e"
ip                      : ""
options                 : {csum="true"}
type                    : geneve

While the other one is:

# ovn-sbctl list encap ea7e8a51-7342-4911-afa7-56832f5c78dd
_uuid                   : ea7e8a51-7342-4911-afa7-56832f5c78dd
chassis_name            : "225741f3-f92f-4074-b41d-e24d2ee4fb6e"
ip                      : ""
options                 : {csum="true"}
type                    : geneve

When looking for the output OF port for a logical port in the remote hypervisor 
(i.e. going out on
a tunnel), in consider_port_binding(), we will get the Port's encap binding and 
use that IP from
its encapsulation.

In order to make the association between a logical port and a VTEP, we propose 
a new "encap-ip"
external ids (similar to "iface-id") when a logical port is instantiated on a 
node (it needs to
be done on logical port instantiation since a VTEP is bound to a node).


# ovs-vsctl --column external_ids list Interface vm1
external_ids            : {encap-ip="", iface-id="ls1-vm1"}
If the encap-ip is not specified, we use a configured IP for the preferred 
tunnel type for this

3.2.2 Option II
If adding a column to the SB's port binding record seems heavy handed, we could 
add the encap
binding in the external_ids of the port binding.

We'll still use "encap-ip" external-ids on a logical port to make the 
association, except that
we will stash the information in the SB in the port binding's external-ids as 

Preferred approach:
        Option I is preferred since it treats the VTEP binding as a first class 
citizen, but
        if changing the schema is a major change  (in terms of release too), 
Option II could
        be considered.

4. Summary

In summary, the proposal is to change 

From (current) :

SouthBound Records
        |               |encaps                                                 
        |Chassis C1-----+------>[type1/IP1, type2/IP1...]                       
        |               |        encap1     encap2                              
        |               |                                                       
        |Chassis C2-----+------>[type1/IP2, type2/IP2...]                       
        |               |        encap1     encap2                              
        |               |                                                       
        |               |Chassis                                                
        |Port LP1-------+------>[C1]                                            
        |               |                                                       
        |Port LP2-------+------>[C2]                                            
        |               |                                                       

        ovn-encap-ip=IP1                        ovn-encap-ip=IP2
        ovn-encap-type=type1,type2              ovn-encap-type=type1,type2      
        system-id=C1                            system-id=C2
        +-----------------------+               +-----------------------+
        |                       |               |                       |
        | Chassis C1            |               | Chassis C2            |
        |                       |               |                       |
        |  +------+             |               |             +------+  |
        |  |br-int|             |               |             |br-int|  |
        |  |      |-------      |               |       ------|      |  |
        |  |      |remote-ip=IP2|               |remote-ip=IP1|      |  |
        |  +------+key=flow     |               |key=flow     +------+  |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |(external_ids)    |               |  (external_ids)|      |
        |    |iface-id=LP1      |               |    iface-id=LP2|      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        +----+------------------+               +-----------------------+
             |          |    |                     |   |         |   
             |          IP3 IP1                   IP2  IP4       |   
             |               :                     :             |
             |               :     geneve tunnel*  :             |
             |               .......................             |
          LP1|                                                   |LP2
        |                                                               |
        |                       LS1                                     |

        [*assuming IP1/IP3 and IP2/IP4 are not bonded]

To: Option I for tunnel &  Option I for port binding (basic prototype done to 
check feasibility)

SouthBound Records
        |               |encaps                                                 
        |Chassis C1-----+------>[type1/IP1, type1/IP3, type2/IP1...]            
        |               |        encap1     encap2     encap3                   
        |               |                                                       
        |Chassis C2-----+------>[type1/IP2, type1/IP4,type2/IP2...]             
        |               |        encap1     encap2    encap3                    
        |               |                                                       
        |               |Chassis                                                
        |Port LP1-------------->[C1]                                            
        |       |       |Encap                                                  
        |       +--------------->[C1:encap1]                                    
        |               |                                                       
        |               |                                                       
        |               |Chassis                                                
        |Port LP2-------------->[C2]                                            
        |       |       |Encap                                                  
        |       +-------------->[C2:encap1]                                     
        |               |                                                       

        ovn-encap-ip=IP1,IP3                    ovn-encap-ip=IP2,IP4
        ovn-encap-type=type1,type2              ovn-encap-type=type1,type2      
        system-id=C1                            system-id=C2
        +-----------------------+               +-----------------------+
        |                       |               |                       |
        | Chassis C1            |               | Chassis C2            |
        |                       |               |                       |
        | +------+              |               |              +------+ |
        | |br-int|              |               |              |br-int| |
        | |      |-------       |               |        ------|      | |
        | |      |remote-ip=flow|               |remote-ip=flow|      | |
        | +------+key=flow      |               |key=flow      +------+ |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |(external_ids)    |               |  (external_ids)|      |
        |    |iface-id=LP1      |               |    iface-id=LP2|      |
        |    |encap-ip=IP1      |               |    encap-ip=IP2|      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        +----+------------------+               +-----------------------+
             |          |    |                     |   |         |   
             |          IP3 IP1                   IP2  IP4       |   
             |           :   :                     :   :         |
             |           :   :     geneve tunnel   :   :         |
             |           ...............................         |
          LP1|                                                   |LP2
        |                                                               |
        |                       LS1                                     |

Option II for tunnel & Option I for port binding considerations:

        ovn-encap-ip=IP1,IP3                    ovn-encap-ip=IP2,IP4
        ovn-encap-type=type1,type2              ovn-encap-type=type1,type2      
        system-id=C1                            system-id=C2
        +-----------------------+               +-----------------------+
        |                       |               |                       |
        | Chassis C1            |               | Chassis C2            |
        |                       |               |                       |
        | +------+              |               |              +------+ |
        | |br-int|              |               |              |br-int| |
        | |      |-------       |               |        ------|      | |
        | |      |remote-ip=flow|               |remote-ip=flow|      | |
        | +------+key=flow      |               |key=flow      +------+ |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |(external_ids)    |               |  (external_ids)|      |
        |    |iface-id=LP1      |               |    iface-id=LP2|      |
        |    |encap-ip=IP1      |               |    encap-ip=IP2|      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        +----+------------------+               +-----------------------+
             |          |    |                     |   |         |   
             |          IP3 IP1                   IP2  IP4       |   
             |           :   :                     :   :         |
             |           :   :     geneve tunnel   :   :         |
             |           ...............................         |
          LP1|                                                   |LP2
        |                                                       Also    |
        |                       LS1                                     |


        ovn-encap-ip=IP1,IP3                    ovn-encap-ip=IP2,IP4
        ovn-encap-type=type1,type2              ovn-encap-type=type1,type2      
        system-id=C1                            system-id=C2
        +-----------------------+               +-----------------------+
        |                       |               |                       |
        | Chassis C1            |               | Chassis C2            |
        |                       |               |                       |
        |         remote_ip=IP4 |               |remote_ip=IP3          |
        | +------+key=flow      |               |key=flow      +------+ |
        | |      |--------      |               |       -------|      | |
        | |br-int|              |               |              |br-int| |
        | |      |--------      |               |       -------|      | |
        | |      |remote-ip=IP2|                |remote-ip=IP1 |      | |
        | +------+key=flow      |               |key=flow      +------+ |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        |    |(external_ids)    |               |  (external_ids)|      |
        |    |iface-id=LP1      |               |    iface-id=LP2|      |
        |    |encap-ip=IP1      |               |    encap-ip=IP2|      |
        |    |                  |               |                |      |
        +----+------------------+               +-----------------------+
             |          |    |                     |   |         |   
             |          IP3 IP1                   IP2  IP4       |   
             |           :   :                     :   :         |
             |           :   :     geneve tunnel   :   :         |
             |           ...............................         |
          LP1|                                                   |LP2
        |                                                               |
        |                       LS1                                     |

5. References
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