On 3/21/2019 4:34 AM, Thomas Crowley wrote:
  Thank you for your response.  I did some more digging and simplified what I am doing.  I can get it working fine with ovs 2.6.0 but with 2.11.0 I still get the error  "2019-03-21T12:00:50.563Z|00076|odp_util(handler49)|ERR|invalid Ethertype 0 in flow key" now I am getting it when I try to send a packet to the controller with the following rule "cookie=0xb90000b3443b96, duration=891.881s, table=0, n_packets=2073, n_bytes=245802, priority=1333,in_port=input actions=CONTROLLER:65535" If I write a rule to just pass all of the traffic to another port it works fine.  I thought maybe it has something to do with a miss match between the kernel module and the ovs version I am using.  I am using debian, "SMP Debian 4.9.144-3.1", and I can not get the kernel module to compile I get "error: too few arguments to function 'inet_fraq_find' ....
Any ideas on what to try next?

That's curious that a compile of the openvswitch kernel module fails on 4.9.144-3.1 because our travis build checker has support for all the way up to 4.9.149 and it compiles just fine.  I'm curious where you got this kernel?  If I could download and build it myself I could probably figure out what the compile issue is.

- Greg

Thank you,

On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 7:28 PM Ben Pfaff <b...@ovn.org <mailto:b...@ovn.org>> wrote:

    You should not need to match on both labels to pop a single label.

    If you use ofproto/trace for this packet (see ovs-vswitchd(8)), what
    does it say?

    On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 08:34:38AM -0400, Thomas Crowley wrote:
    > I am attempting to pop the outer MPLS label on a packet that has
    two MPLS
    > labels and send the result to a patch port that then sends the
    packet back
    > to the same bridge.  I am using a combination of ONOS and
    scapy(see bottom
    > of email for script) to do my test.  I do not get the packet
    back to my
    > bridge via the patch port.  I do get the following error:
    > 2019-03-12T12:00:51.460Z|00019|odp_util(handler7)|ERR|invalid
    Ethertype 0
    > in flow key
    > when I dump the flow OVS tells me that it is:
    > cookie=0xba00008259b570, duration=30.601s, table=0, n_packets=27,
    > n_bytes=1350,
    > actions=pop_mpls:0x8847,output:"4PatchIn"
    > If I run the same test but with a packet with only a single MPLS
    label it
    > works fine.  Do I have to match both labels in order to pop a
    single label?
    > Thank you,
    > Tom
    > Scapy script:
    > #!/usr/bin/env python
    > import sys
    > from scapy.all import *
    > load_contrib("mpls")
    > mpls_eth = Ether(src="ca:09:11:11:11:1b", dst="ca:01:07:fc:00:1c",
    > type=0x8847)
    > mpls_lables=MPLS(label=164, s=0, ttl=255)/MPLS(label=182, s=1,
    > mpls_ip = IP(src='', dst='')
    > mpls_icmp = ICMP(type="echo-request")
    > mpls_raw = Raw(load="Foooooooooooooooook!")
    > mpls_frame=mpls_eth/mpls_lables/mpls_ip/ICMP()
    > #mpls_icmp/mpls_raw
    > #>>> Ether(str(mpls_frame))
    > #<Ether dst=ca:01:07:fc:00:1c src=11:11:11:11:11:11 type=0x8847
    > label=16 cos=0 s=0 ttl=255 |<MPLS label=18 cos=0 s=0 ttl=255 |<MPLS
    > label=18 cos=0 s=0 ttl=255 |<MPLS label=16 c
    > os=0 s=1 ttl=255 |<IP version=4 ihl=5 tos=0x0 len=48 id=1 flags=
    > ttl=64 proto=icmp chksum=0x68c7 src= dst=
    > |<ICMP type=echo-request code=0 chksum
    > =0xcaf3 id=0x0 seq=0x0 |<Raw load='Foooooooooooooooook!' |>>>>>>>>
    > sendp(mpls_frame, iface="input")
    > sendp(mpls_frame, iface="input", loop=1, inter=1.1)

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