On 5/15/2019 9:05 AM, Harsh Gondaliya wrote:
Dear Team,

Since long I've been figuring out how to enable TSO support is OVS-DPDK bridge.

I am trying to perform Inter-VM communication within same host (L2 forwarding). I get significantly less throughput in OVS-DPDK as compared to OVS bridge for the same arrangement.

I have realised that OVS-DPDK bridge due to its lack of support for TSO is not able to give high throughput results.

There has been some work done in this regard, but, I am not able to understand what all config need to done or what patches need to be applied in order to have TSO support in OVS-DPDK.

Being a beginner with these packages and Linux, may I please get a sort of detailed description of what can be done to achieve TSO support in OVS-DPDK?


TSO is not supported currently in OVS DPDK. TSO essentially requires the enablement of multi segment mbuf in OVS as well as TSO enablement.

There were patches proposed previously to enable both of these but they have not made it upstream to date due to concerns around their impact for non TSO usecases as well as some of the fundamental changes introduced WRT to the mbuf itself.

The series will be re-visited at some stage in the future once these issue can be addressed.

In the meantime if you wish to test the series that was available I would advise downloading the following patch series.



These will not apply to head of master any more so you will have to apply them on top of the following commit manually:

adb3f0b ("python: Avoid flake8 warning for unused variables.")

For tips on configuring MSEG/TSO there are instructions introduced in the cover letter and documentation of the patch series that can be consulted.

Multiseg enablement documentation (Setup steps etc.).

TSO Documentation (Setup steps etc.)

Cover letters (Performance figures, usecases, known issues).


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