On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 09:34:28AM +0000, SCHAER Frederic wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm facing an issue with openvswitch, which I think is new (not even sure).
> here is the description :
> * What you did that make the problem appear.
> I am configuring openstack (compute, network) nodes using OVS networks for 
> main interfaces and RHEL network scripts, basically using openvswitch to 
> create bridges, set the bridges IPs, and include the real Ethernet devices in 
> the bridges.
> On a compute machine (not in production, so not using 3 or more interfaces), 
> I have for instance brflat -> em1.
> Brflat has multiple IPs defined using IPADDR1, IPADDR2, etc..
> Now : at boot, machine has network. Bur if I ever change anything in network 
> scripts and issue either a network restart, an ifup or an ifdown : network 
> breaks and connectivity is lost.
> Also, on network restarts, I'm getting these logs in the network journal :
> May 16 10:26:41 cloud1 ovs-vsctl[1766678]: ovs|00001|vsctl|INFO|Called as 
> ovs-vsctl -t 10 -- --may-exist add-br brflat
> May 16 10:26:51 cloud1 ovs-vsctl[1766678]: 
> ovs|00002|fatal_signal|WARN|terminating with signal 14 (Alarm clock)
> May 16 10:26:51 cloud1 network[1766482]: Bringing up interface brflat:  
> 2019-05-16T08:26:51Z|00002|fatal_signal|WARN|terminating with signal 14 
> (Alarm clock)
> * What you expected to happen.
> On network restart... to get back a working network. Not be forced to log in 
> using ipmi console and fix network manually.
> * What actually happened.
> What actually happens is that on ifup/ifdown/network restart, the 
> ovs-vswitchd daemon stops working. According to systemctl, it is actually 
> exiting with code 0.
> If I do a ifdown on one interface, then ovs-vswitchd is down.
> After ovs-vswitchd restart, I then can ifup that interface : network is still 
> down (no ping, nothing).
> Ovs-vswitchd is again dead/stopped/exited 0.
> Then : manually starting ovs-vswitchd restores connectivity.
> Please also include the following information:
> * The Open vSwitch version number (as output by ovs-vswitchd --version).
> ovs-vswitchd (Open vSwitch) 2.10.1

Sounds like OVS is crashing. Please check 'dmesg' if you see
segmentation fault messages in there. Or the journal logs.
Or the systemd service status.

If it is, then the next step is to enable coredumps to grab one
core. Then install openvswitch-debuginfo package to see the
stack trace.

You're right that ifdown should not put the service down.

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