On 6/25/2019 12:30 PM, Murali Veluru wrote:
Thank Ian Stokes,

It is very helpful for us. I was trying to apply these patches on openvswitch-2.11.1 repository, it was failing.

Some of the files are not found.

Could you, please let me know suitable version of ovs, where these patches will get apply successfully.

Hi Murali,

the commit these patches can be applied to are listed in the cover letter for the patchsets.

I believe you want to check out the following commit from the ovs master branch (this commit was pre 2.11 release)

adb3f0b ("python: Avoid flake8 warning for unused variables.")

You should then be able to apply the mutliseg patchset on top of this commit (Multiseg is a pre-requirement for enabling TSO, see link below)


Once these are applied you should be able to apply the TSO enablement patchset then (see link below).


When using the commit as outlined above do these apply for you?


Along with which  version of DPDK need to use for compilation?



*From:* Ian Stokes <ian.sto...@intel.com>
*Sent:* Monday, June 24, 2019 10:56:34 PM
*To:* Murali Veluru; ovs-discuss@openvswitch.org
*Subject:* Re: [ovs-discuss] TSO changes with OVS-DPDK for higher throughput
On 6/24/2019 1:03 PM, Murali Veluru wrote:
Hi All,

I am testing ovs-dpdk performance test with the help of IPERF.

I created VM using qemu command.

I assigned IP to VM and other device IP is (Dev2). I am able to ping and able to run IPERF.

It is giving average output ~3.5G form VM to DEV2 on 10G physical interface. form DEV2 to VM it is 5.7G throughput.

I used below version.

DPDK: dpdk-18.11.1.tar.xz

OVS: openvswitch-2.11.1

  From Intel document I found TSO changes but it was for 2.6 version. somehow I managed to apply on openvswitch-2.11.1 file.

With TSO disable I am able to do ssh other IP address of DEV2. After enable TSO with the help of qemu command IPERF and SSH is getting hanged.


Is openvswitch-2.11.1 supports TSO enable by default?


TSO is not available in OVS 2.11. There were patches submitted for that
release but unfortunately it did not make it upstream due to some
regression performance concerns for non TSO usecases. Intel is currently
planning to review rework the patchset to address the issues and will be
releasing a new patchset in the coming months.

In the mean time if you wish to test TSO with the previous patchset that
was available you can follow the mails and patches outlined in the
following link (it was related to a similar question)


It's complete with documentation on setup and usage so should be able to
get you going.


Is any patch availble for openvswitch-2.11.1 for TSO changes?

Is qemu related changes are required for TSO enable?

I used below changes using qemu command.


Thaks lot.



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