On 2/4/21 12:41 AM, George Papathanail wrote:

I managed to attach the lxc interface to the ovs-bridge
sudoovs-vsctl show
8cd3e1a6-eaa9-4341-b5c8-677e381c8306Bridgeswitch0PortvethlQXvGc InterfacevethlQXvGc Portswitch0Interfaceswitch0type: internal ovs_version: "2.13.1" The problem now is that the container did not take IP. P.S I only have one physical interface so I did not bind it with the bridge.

You need to remove your ip information from the physical interface, bind the physical interface to the bridge, assign the address info to the bridge (or other virtual interface).

This creates a common bridge between the 'outside' world and your container.  And provides local machine address to the outside world on that same sole physical interface
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