Classification: Confidential

Hi all,

I'm quite new on OVS and I'm using it for testing some possible configuration 
in an internal project.

I started to use OVS 2.12 and all test were ok  but once I moved to release 
2.15 I've noticed some different behaviour that make fail my tests.

Mainly this is due to "ovs-appctl upcall/disable-megaflows"  configuration that 
I use on my set up.

When I use disable megaflow I'm not able to offload traffic on TC due to some 
error on check mask that are not all zero. Let me give you more details :

In file  "netdev-offload-tc.c"   has been introduced a check 
"test_key_and_mask"   that doesn't pass because some mask are not zero (i.g 

if (mask->dp_hash) {
        VLOG_DBG_RL(&rl, "offloading attribute dp_hash isn't supported");
        return EOPNOTSUPP;

I've tried to skip this check and I've find another similar issue related to 
mask check on "tc.c" file under the function "nl_msg_put_flower_tunnel" where 
I've added this work around in order to offload tc flows:

 "if ((ipv4_src || ipv4_dst) && (ipv4_dst_mask || ipv4_src_mask)) {"

Adding these patches I'm able to offload TC with disable-megaflow option as I 
was with ovs 2.12.
Of course same tests with no disable-megaflow  are working properly.

So I'm wondering if this is an expected behaviour on 2.15 release where a lot 
of checks on mask have been added and if
disable-megaflows option  is still supported . Is this a known behaviour?

Thank you in advance for your support or comments.



ovs-vswitchd -version:
ovs-vswitchd (Open vSwitch) 2.15.1

git rev-parse HEAD:
commit 934668c295e0b4ecbb4ec3358e1acf4e5824ea65 (origin/branch-2.15)


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