On 7/5/23 18:00, Felix Huettner wrote:
> Hi Han,
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 05:08:36PM -0700, Han Zhou wrote:
>> On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 12:26 AM Felix Huettner via discuss <
>> ovs-discuss@openvswitch.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Ilya,
>>> thank you for the detailed reply
>>> On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 05:25:49PM +0200, Ilya Maximets wrote:
>>>> On 5/23/23 15:59, Felix Hüttner via discuss wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Hi, Felix.
>>>>> we are currently running an OVN Deployment with 450 Nodes. We run a 3
>> node cluster for the northbound database and a 3 nodes cluster for the
>> southbound database.
>>>>> Between the southbound cluster and the ovn-controllers we have a
>> layer of 24 ovsdb relays.
>>>>> The setup is using TLS for all connections, however the TLS Server is
>> handled by a traefik reverseproxy to offload this from the ovsdb
>>>> The very important part of the system description is what versions
>>>> of OVS and OVN are you using in this setup?  If it's not latest
>>>> 3.1 and 23.03, then it's hard to talk about what/if performance
>>>> improvements are actually needed.
>>> We are currently running ovs 3.1 and ovn 22.12 (in the process of
>>> upgrading to 23.03). `monitor-all` is currently disabled, but we want to
>>> try that as well.
>> Hi Felix, did you try upgrading and enabling "monitor-all"? How does it
>> look now?
> we did not yet upgrade, but we tried monitor-all and that provided a big
> benefit in terms of stability.
>>>>> Northd and Neutron is connecting directly to north- and southbound
>> databases without the relays.
>>>> One of the big things that is annoying is that Neutron connects to
>>>> Southbound database at all.  There are some reasons to do that,
>>>> but ideally that should be avoided.  I know that in the past limiting
>>>> the number of metadata agents was one of the mitigation strategies
>>>> for scaling issues.  Also, why can't it connect to relays?  There
>>>> shouldn't be too many transactions flowing towards Southbound DB
>>>> from the Neutron.
>>> Thanks for that suggestion, that definately makes sense.
>> Does this make a big difference? How many Neutron - SB connections are
>> there?
>> What rings a bell is that Neutron is using the python OVSDB library which
>> hasn't implemented the fast-resync feature (if I remember correctly).
>> At the same time, there is the feature leader-transfer-for-snapshot, which
>> automatically transfer leader whenever a snapshot is to be written, which
>> would happen frequently if your environment is very active.
>> When a leader transfer happens, if Neutron set the option "leader-only"
>> (only connects to leader) to SB DB (could someone confirm?), then when the
>> leader transfer happens, all Neutron workers would reconnect to the new
>> leader. With fast-resync, like what's implemented in C IDL and Go, the
>> client that has cached the data would only request the delta when
>> reconnecting. But since the python lib doesn't have this, the Neutron
>> server would re-download full data when reconnecting ...
>> This is a speculation based on the information I have, and the assumptions
>> need to be confirmed.
> We are currently working with upstream neutron to get the leader-only
> flag removed wherever we can. I guess in total the amount of connections
> depends on the process count which would be ~150 connections in total in
> our case.
>>>>> We needed to increase various timeouts on the ovsdb-server and client
>> side to get this to a mostly stable state:
>>>>> * inactivity probes of 60 seconds (for all connections between
>> ovsdb-server, relay and clients)
>>>>> * cluster election time of 50 seconds
>>>>> As long as none of the relays restarts the environment is quite
>> stable.
>>>>> However we see quite regularly the "Unreasonably long xxx ms poll
>> interval" messages ranging from 1000ms up to 40000ms.
>>>> With latest versions of OVS/OVN the CPU usage on Southbound DB
>>>> servers without relays in our weekly 500-node ovn-heater runs
>>>> stays below 10% during the test phase.  No large poll intervals
>>>> are getting registered.
>>>> Do you have more details on under which circumstances these
>>>> large poll intervals occur?
>>> It seems to mostly happen on the initial connection of some client to
>>> the ovsdb. From the few times we ran perf there it looks like the time
>>> is spend in creating a monitor and during that sending out the updates
>>> to the client side.
>> It is one of the worst case scenario for OVSDB when many clients initialize
>> connections to it at the same time, when the size of data downloaded by
>> each client is big.
>> OVSDB relay, for what I understand, should greatly help on this. You have
>> 24 relay nodes, which are supposed to share the burden. Are the SB DB and
>> the relay instances running with sufficient CPU resources?
>> Is it clear that initial connections from which clients (ovn-controller or
>> Neutron) are causing this? If it is Neutron, the above speculation about
>> the lack of fast-resync from Neutron workers may be worth checking.
> Yep the relays really help. What i meant above was actually the relays
> failing because of overload. After that they restart and reconnect which
> caused a lot of load on the main ovsdbs.

FWIW, the initial connection after restart should cause way less trouble
with the latest v3.1.2 release.

Best regards, Ilya Maximets.
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