As answered in another thread, FUSE is only needed for owfs (the virtual
filesystem). It's a little confusing since the whole package is called owfs
(for historical reasons). owhttpd, owserver, and all the others don't use

I'll take Robert Conway's word that he finds owserver/owshell more robust
than owfs. The first uses the owserver protocol (tcp/ip messages) to answer
1-wire queries, the later uses FUSE and filesystem callbacks. YMMV on this,
I've had a owfs/FUSE data collection system running for literally years.

FUSE is more finicky about kernel versions, user permissions and startup
sequence. On the other hand, every single program in the world knows how to
read a file, and owfs/FUSE looks just like a regular file.

Paul Alfille

As far as the architecture goes, almost all the code is shared between the
programs, in libow. owfs, owhttpd and owserver are only thin layers with the
unique features, linking in libow with all the 1-wire knowledge, networking,
caching, address parsing, argument processing, etc. That's why using
owserver and calling "owread 10.012345667/temperature" or using owfs and
reading file 1wire/10.012345667/temperature give the same result.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Gregg Levine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FUSE assists in the file-system creation for most of the OWFS
> binaries. You'd need to ask more questions.
> Paul? That's your cue.
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