
I wanted to try your program, but I get an error message:

mnm@vincent:~/M/_Linux/python/_mnms_tests$ python
  File "", line 13
    None if i % freq else print('Iteration {}'.format(i))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

since I am not very familiar with python I do not find the error on the spot... maybe you can help me out

btw. the line

    p = protocol.proxy(‘myowserver', persistent=False)

there is a typo: the first ' after ( is not a ' but a ‘ - it's hard to see here, but with syntax highlighting it is easy to spot ;o)


On 11/06/2015 11:20 AM, Stefano Miccoli wrote:
A proxy object with 'persistent=False'will bind and destroy a socket for each call to the owserver. (If you call 'netstat -t’ after the timing test you will see hundreds of lines like tcp 0 0 localhost:45494 localhost:4304 TIME_WAIT
which is the debris that remains after you tear down a socket…)

On the contrary with ‘persistent=True'a single socket is bound at the beginning of the transaction and reused for every subsequent owserver call. So 'persistent=False’ has a very small overhead (about 1ms) for each call.

Somehow your figures are consistent with this interpretation: non-persistent overhead is a constant small delta with respect to persistent connection. Since your owserver is apparently much slower than the one which I run my tests, you have a smaller relative overhead.

Usually I would not care about the persistent/non persistent thing, unless you are running out of available sockets.

This program

import itertools
from pyownet import protocol

p = protocol.proxy(‘myowserver', persistent=False)
freq = 1 << 12

for i in itertools.count():
        c = p.dir()
    except protocol.Error as exc:
        print('Iteration {0} raised exception: {1}'.format(i, exc))
    None if i % freq else print('Iteration {}'.format(i))


Iteration 0
Iteration 4096
Iteration 8192
Iteration 12288
Iteration 16384
Iteration 16977 raised exception: [Errno 49] Can't assign requested address

so it is possible to run out of sockets, although this is a rather edgy situation, that I’ve never analysed in detail.


On 06 Nov 2015, at 02:26, Loren Amelang < <>> wrote:

On Thu, 05 Nov 2015 13:02:13 +0100,
Stefano Miccoli <> wrote:
Just a few numbers, collected with
<> querying a
non localhost production owserver

pyownet: ver. 0.8.2
proxy_obj: ownet server at ('', 4304)
server info: pid 2662, ver. unknown

statement: proxy_obj.dir("/")
number: 20
repetitions: 5

** non persistent :  1.29 ms,  1.30 ms,  1.30 ms,  1.33 ms,  1.36 ms,
** persistent     :  0.77 ms,  0.77 ms,  0.79 ms,  0.80 ms,  0.97 ms,

The figure reported here are time for a single call to the given method,
computed as the average of 20 consecutive calls. (Please note that I read the cached temperature value? uncached is of course much slower, but this
is due to 1-wire)

I was surprised by the timing numbers you posted. So I tried your test script with my BBB installation...

Running on the BBB with the owserver:
ubuntu@arm:~/Lpkg$ python3 StefanoTimingTest.py3
pyownet: ver. 0.8.2 (/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pyownet/
proxy_obj: ownet server at ('', 4304)
server info: pid 1243, ver. unknown

statement: proxy_obj.dir("/")
number: 20
repetitions: 5

** non persistent : 37.55 ms, 37.78 ms, 39.26 ms, 40.15 ms, 41.11 ms,
** persistent     : 36.22 ms, 36.41 ms, 36.62 ms, 37.10 ms, 38.26 ms,

Running Python on an external Windows machine, one Wi-Fi hop from the BBB:
C:\Users\Loren\Documents\Projects\Computing\BeagleBone Black\BBB Projects\1-Wire\OWFS Python logging>python StefanoTimingTest.py3 owserver:// pyownet: ver. 0.8.2 (C:\Apps\Python33\lib\site-packages\pyownet\
proxy_obj: ownet server at ('', 4304)
server info: pid 22210, ver. unknown

statement: proxy_obj.dir("/")
number: 20
repetitions: 5

** non persistent : 41.69 ms, 45.79 ms, 45.99 ms, 48.34 ms, 49.41 ms,
** persistent     : 42.26 ms, 44.03 ms, 45.68 ms, 45.69 ms, 46.03 ms,

Between those two tests was a long learning session. For those who don't know...

In netstat, "" addresses are accessible from outside machines, addresses are not!

The localhost setting is in (at least) two places in /etc/owfs.conf:
! server: server = # localhost:4304 LA151105 allow net access
server: port = 4304  # localhost:4304  LA151105 allow net access

After making those changes, I found "restart" does not notice them! You have to use "force-reload":
ubuntu@arm:~/Lpkg$ sudo /etc/init.d/owserver force-reload
* Restarting 1-Wire TCP Server owserver

Suddenly it works from out on the network!

So I wonder why persistence makes less than 10% difference here, while on your much faster machine it makes 25 to 40%...

| Loren Amelang | <> |

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