I've got my DS490R up and recognizing my Moat device, with a DS18B20 
also connected I get:

28.246A50050000  alarm  F0.18FDE6789C56  simultaneous  structure uncached
81.D39F2D000000  bus.0  settings         statistics    system

Reading the directory gives the following:

ls /var/1wire/F0.18FDE6789C56
address  alias   console  family  loader   r_address  r_id
alarm    config  crc8     id      locator  raw        r_locator

It also, however, crashes owserver. Owfs still lives.

Last debug looks like this. Looks like it cycles through all ports, pwm, 

    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/port.27]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->5 found <port><.><27>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->7 found <port><.27><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/port.27
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/port.28]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->5 found <port><.><28>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->7 found <port><.28><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/port.28
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/port.29]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->5 found <port><.><29>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->7 found <port><.29><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/port.29
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/port.30]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->5 found <port><.><30>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->7 found <port><.30><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/port.30
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/port.31]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->5 found <port><.><31>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 4->7 found <port><.31><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/port.31
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/ports]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: loop.c:(105) Ping forestalled by a directory element
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/ports
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/present]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/present
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.ALL]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><ALL>
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.ALL
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.0]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><0>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.0><>
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.0
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.1]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><1>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.1><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.1
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.2]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><2>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.2><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.2
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.3]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><3>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.3><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.3
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.4]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><4>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.4><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.4
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.5]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><5>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.5><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.5
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.6]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><6>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.6><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.6
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.7]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><7>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.7><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.7
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.8]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><8>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.8><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.8
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.9]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><9>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->5 found <pwm><.9><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.9
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.10]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><10>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.10><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.10
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.11]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><11>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.11><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.11
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.12]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><12>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.12><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.12
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.13]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><13>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.13><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.13
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.14]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><14>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.14><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.14
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.15]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><15>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.15><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.15
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.16]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><16>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.16><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.16
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.17]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><17>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.17><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.17
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.18]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><18>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.18><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.18
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.19]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><19>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.19><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.19
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.20]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><20>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.20><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.20
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.21]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><21>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.21><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.21
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.22]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><22>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.22><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.22
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.23]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><23>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.23><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.23
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.24]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><24>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.24><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.24
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.25]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><25>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.25><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.25
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.26]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><26>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.26><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.26
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.27]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><27>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.27><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.27
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.28]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><28>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.28><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.28
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.29]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><29>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.29><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.29
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.30]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><30>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.30><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.30
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.31]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->4 found <pwm><.><31>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 3->6 found <pwm><.31><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(941) F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f00f70 index=-2 size=12
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 299 
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/pwm.31
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/r_address]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/F0.18FDE6789C56/r_address
   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=27 size=26, ret=0, sg=0x10144 offset=0
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/r_address
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/r_id]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found

   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/F0.18FDE6789C56/r_id
   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=22 size=21, ret=0, sg=0x10144 offset=0
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/r_id
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/r_locator]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/F0.18FDE6789C56/r_locator
   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=27 size=26, ret=0, sg=0x10144 offset=0
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/r_locator
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/raw]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/F0.18FDE6789C56/raw
   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=21 size=20, ret=0, sg=0x10144 offset=0
   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /F0.18FDE6789C56/raw
    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/F0.18FDE6789C56/status]
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><F0.18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><F0><.18FDE6789C56>
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <F0.><18FDE6789C56><>
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn F0 18 FD E6 78 9C 56 F6 
pointer=0xb6f04790 index=0 size=4
   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 79 
   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 0
   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found

On 11/22/2015 12:39 PM, Jan Kandziora wrote:
> Hi all,
> we have had some important fixes recently
> * Paul merged his regex branch.
> * Johan Ström added support for the LINK aux line.
> * Paul added some basic support for the Hobbyboards Multitemp.
> * Thomasz Torcz and Stephano Miccoli fixed the libusb0 problems
> * I myself fixed the "external" sensor code and added an explicit
>    branch selection scheme to the DS2409 code.
> Paul doesn't seem to be available for a new release, so I ask who
> currently wields the authority to decide that. I think it's enough stuff
> for a new release, since the last one which was in March.
> Matthias, Johan, Colin: do you see merging the MOAT code anytime soon?
> Kind regards
>     Jan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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