It was not /Just a thought/, you are right.



Den 2016-07-30 kl. 00:21, skrev Mick Sulley:
Just a thought, have a look at your config files /etc/owfs.conf to see if those devices are defined as fakes


On 29/07/16 14:03, Håkan Elmqvist wrote:
Since 2015-12-12 10:15:55 two ghost devices (05.4AEC29CDBAAB and
10.67C6697351FF) appear in some of my OW-circuits. This happens whether
an adapter is attached or not, the problem persists after reboot.
The 10.67C6697351FF reports more or less random temperatures between 0
and 50 degrees C.
I see this behaviour on three systems (a Raspberry Pi, an Asus laptop
and on an Ubuntu in a VMware player playing on a Lenovo Yoga pro).
On two other Raspberry Pi's I can't detect this behaviour.
Please see sample outputs below.
Can anyone explain this?
Thanks in advance.

Raspberry Pi, adapter, no device, owfs version: 2.9p8
root@bod:~# killall owfs; umount /ow; /usr/bin/owfs -uall --allow_other
/ow;ls /ow
umount: /ow: not mounted
05.4AEC29CDBAAB  81.AA5F28000000  bus.1     statistics    system
10.67C6697351FF  bus.0          settings  structure    uncached

Asus running Ubuntu, no adapter, owfs version: 2.9p8
root@h2:/home/he# killall owfs; umount /ow; /usr/bin/owfs -uall
--allow_other /ow;ls /ow
umount: /ow: not mounted
05.4AEC29CDBAAB  alarm  settings      statistics  system
10.67C6697351FF  bus.0  simultaneous  structure   uncached

Asus running Ubuntu, different adapter, no device, owfs version: 2.9p8
root@h2:/home/he# killall owfs; umount /ow; /usr/bin/owfs -uall
--allow_other /ow;ls /ow
umount: /ow: not mounted
05.4AEC29CDBAAB  81.CD6E28000000  bus.0  settings statistics  system
10.67C6697351FF alarm bus.1 simultaneous structure uncached

Asus running Ubuntu, adapter and device, version 2.9p8
root@h2:/home/he# killall owfs; umount /ow; /usr/bin/owfs -uall
--allow_other /ow;ls /ow
umount: /ow: not mounted
05.4AEC29CDBAAB  81.CD6E28000000  bus.1         statistics uncached
10.67C6697351FF  alarm            settings      structure
10.E18C2D000000  bus.0            simultaneous  system

still another computer (Ubuntu played on VMware-player), has never seen
an adapter, owfs version: 2.8p15:
root@ubuntu:~# killall owfs; umount /ow; /usr/bin/owfs -uall
--allow_other /ow; ls /ow
umount: /ow: inte monterad
05.4AEC29CDBAAB  alarm  settings      statistics  system
10.67C6697351FF  bus.0  simultaneous  structure   uncached

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Håkan Elmqvist
Sunnerdahlsv 7
167 62 Bromma
Telefon: +46 (8) 80 18 81, +46 (704) 56 74 81, +46 (176) 84 077
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