> On 15 Oct 2016, at 15:23, Henry Pootel <henry.poo...@regall.net> wrote:
> root@CONSTANT:~> owwrite -s /relay_setting/RELAY_SET  `cat ee`

I see a couple of problems here. 

First, owwrite seems to have problems with nul characters in his arguments, but 
please wait for confirmation by Jan.

Second, assuming you are using bash, the command should be

$ owwrite -s /relay_setting/RELAY_SET "$(< ee)"

Brief explanation

$(command) is preferred over `command` see 
$(<pathname) is a shortcut for $(cat pathname) see bash manpage
double quotes are necessary because command substitution is subjected to word 
splitting, if not protected by double quotes.

In other words with your command the shell will split the content of ‘ee' at 
whitespace, thus causing further problems.

You can confirm that owserver is functioning properly with pyownet 

>>> data = open('ee', 'rb').read()
>>> from pyownet import protocol
>>> owp = protocol.proxy(host=‘’)
>>> owp.write('/relay_setting/RELAY_SET', data)

From my experiments, with pyownet+owserver the data is transmitted cleanly.


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