> Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 08:52:07 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Laurent FAILLIE <l_fail...@yahoo.com>
> The capacitor has not to be put on the buses (otherwise, you will disturb
> 1-wire signals) but on the GND and Vcc pin of the DS2482-800.As far I
> remember, I've put a 0.1uF ... (not sure :) ). Bye

I have a single bus with ten parasitic 18B20s spread along close to 100' of 
cable, driven at 5V by an ancient microcomputer via active pullup and pulldown 
transistors. I found a 0.02 uf capacitor across the bus connection (yes, 
between signal and ground) at the controller end hid the intermittent noise 
problem that was causing storms of temperature errors. It drastically slows the 
signal rise times, but doesn't seem to hurt readings. Of course I may have 
stronger drive than a modern interface, especially if it is 3V. But try it...  
Definitely helped here. 
Another thing that helped was adding a 1N5711 Schottky diode and a 1.5KE20A-T 
TVS at each end of the bus (it is driven from the middle). 
My system just started its 20th year of continuous operation...  Using 1-Wire 
for 16 of them. 
| Loren Amelang | lo...@pacific.net |

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