I have used this image for years:
However I have stripped away all unnecessary stuff just to keep the image
small and simple (only owserver available, no python or C bindings).
Maybe there is something in there that you could use.

Best regards, Henrik

Den lör 16 maj 2020 kl 06:32 skrev Greg Pronko <g...@l2industries.com>:

> Hi All,
> I am new to the mailing list and am hoping someone out there might be able
> to help us.  We are currently working on a set of devices for monitoring
> endangered animal habitats and we need to try to read multiple 1wire temp
> sensor readings via RPI3. Specifically I am hoping to find someone with
> experience using OWFS on the Balena.io platform and Docker templates.  I am
> looking for an example of OWFS measuring 1wire thermocouples via i2c hat
> running on Balena.io via a Dockerfile? The key here is to get it to work on
> Balena via a Dockerfile.template with i2c enabled as that is how we will
> manage fleets of these devices.
> For those of you who aren’t familiar with Balena.io it used to be called
> Resin.io until a few years ago.  Balena is a great fleet management and
> deployment platform for managing multiple IOT devices. We use it for many
> RPI implementations.  I highly recommend taking a few hours to learn how to
> deploy a device on their platform as once you start using it you won’t go
> back.  But my biggest hope is for one of you experts at OWFS to deploy OWFS
> via Balena onto a RPI3 with an i2c 1-wire hat so that you can share a
> solution on how to properly build a Dockerfile and python file for it that
> works.  I have been trying to figure it out for days and getting nowhere.
> I am trying to use pyownet which might be part of my problem but I don’t
> have to use that if you can think of a better way to do this. I would also
> like to stick to Python3 as Balena is dropping support for Python2 soon.
> I am sure Balena will be adopted by folks more and more moving forward so
> solving this would be a great investment in furthering the 1wire and owfs
> platform to be deployed in fleets.  In this situation, it is also going
> towards a good cause of helping endangered animals.
> Below is my dockerfile & python code which I just can’t get to work
> properly. I continue to get this error: pyownet.protocol.ConnError: [Errno
> 111] Connection refused
> This is the i2c device I am using:
> https://www.abelectronics.co.uk/kb/article/3/owfs-with-i2c-support-on-raspberry-pi
> Thanks so much,
> Greg
> ----------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------
> FROM balenalib/raspberrypi3-python:3.7.6
> ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
> RUN     apt-get update -y; \
>         apt-get upgrade -y; \
>         apt-get clean all
> RUN sudo apt-get update -y;\
>         apt-get install -qy apt-utils \
>         python3-pip \
>         python3 \
>         libtool \
>         python3-dev \
>         python3-smbus\
>         libtool \
>         rpi-update \
>         raspi-config \
>         owfs \
>         owserver \
>         ow-shell \
>         python-ow \
>         python3-rpi.gpio \
>         && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
> RUN sudo pip3 install setuptools --upgrade
> RUN sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
> RUN sudo pip3 install pyownet
> RUN sed -i '20i\server: device=/dev/i2c-1' /etc/owfs.conf
> RUN sed -i 's/^server: FAKE = DS18S20,DS2405/#server: FAKE =
> DS18S20,DS2405/' /etc/owfs.conf
> RUN sed -i 's/^ftp: port = 2120/#ftp: port = 2120/' /etc/owfs.conf
> COPY . ./
> CMD modprobe i2c-dev && owserver -d /dev/i2c-
> CMD ["python3", "1wire_temp_test.py"]
> ----------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------
> import time
> from pyownet import protocol
> temp_type = 'F'
> tc_1_mac = 'FF8AD3641402'  ### This is obviously my thermocouple so enter
> your own mac address here ###
> owproxy = protocol.proxy(host="localhost", port=4304)
> sensor_file_1 = '/28.' + tc_1_mac + '/temperature'
> def main():
>                 while True:
>                                 try:
>                                                 thetext =
> owproxy.read(sensor_file_1)
>                                                 heater_temp_1 =
> round((float(thetext[2:])*(9/5)+32),2)
>                                                 print ('SENSOR #1 =',
> heater_temp_1, temp_type)
>                                 except IOError:
>                                                 print ('SENSOR #1 READ
> FAIL')
>                                 time.sleep(10)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>                 main()
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