what does *onOff.to_bytes(1,byteorder=sys.byteorder)) *evaluate to? Is
that resulting in a byte-value? I am not familiar with this...

Things you could try:

  * In the path use the fully qualifying path and add */uncached *and
    write a byte-value like this
  * writeto the individual outputs PIO.A or PIO.B directly
  * try reading the sensed values***print('sensed.BYTE = ',

On 26.08.20 21:05, Dennis Putnam wrote:
> I have rewritten my code to use pyownet but am now nearly back where I
> started. I have the following code:
> *owproxy.write('/3A.'+blower.id_+'/PIO.BYTE',onOff.to_bytes(1,byteorder=sys.byteorder))
> *That statement gives me the following error:
> *pyownet.protocol.OwnetError: [Errno 22] legacy - Invalid transaction:
> '/3A.0BE14D000000/PIO.BYTE'
> *The error is meaningless to me. The path is not wrong so is it
> complaining about writing a single byte?
> Thanks again.
> On 8/24/2020 4:33 PM, Dennis Putnam wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone that replied. I was not aware of pyownet. I will
>> look into that and rewrite my code to use it.
>> On 8/24/2020 11:47 AM, Martin Patzak wrote:
>>> For python I would highly recommend you use the library *pyownet *by
>>> Stefano Miccoli
>>> /https://github.com/miccoli/pyownet/
>>> /using Fuse can lead to weird problems... (not saying that it is the
>>> reason in your specific case)
>>> or you can use the buil-in functions in owserver 
>>> owread/owwrite/owdir instead.
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