
Is there any way to set config parameters of the ownCloud server before the
Finish Setup screen (and therefore before database created)?
If there's no such possibility I just have created this pull request,
please, take a look: https://github.com/owncloud/core/pull/6279

Here are some details why I need this.
I want to use ownCloud in the following way:

   1. I install and setup ownCloud and apache on the server under my
   2. I handover the server and can't have access to it after handover.
   3. Users of the server are non-tech consumers - I don't want them to
   deal with any setup.
   4. Though users should provide the admin credentials on first run of
   ownCloud (and that all what they should provide to start working with

There are some options which I want to configure differently then default
settings. One example would be using HTTPS:

\OC_Config::setValue( "forcessl", true);

So what I proposed in my pull request is that core/setup.php after
successful installation of ownCloud (when DB already created) checks for
config/autosetup.php file and executes it if there's such a file. In
config/autosetup.php I can put all instraction I want to execute to tweak
ownCloud server after intallation.

Vladimir Sapronov
Owncloud mailing list

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