Hi Eliot,

We added an improvement request to our internal issues list about this request and we will study it for a future version.

In the meantime you can add your own simple extension actions in the Author page to accomplish this. Just go to the Oxygen "Options" menu -> Preferences -> 'Document type association page'.
Change to "Developer" role and edit the "DITA" document type.
In the "Author" tab -> 'Actions' category create simple actions for each character you want to insert.
You can take the "bold"  action as an example for this.
The only important differences will be that the fragment value will be something like '&#128;' instead of '<b/>' and the invoke operation should be an "InsertFragmentOperation".

Then in the 'Toolbar' category add an Actions Group and in it add all the actions that you created earlier.
The Actions Group will appear as a drop-down button on the toolbar.

You can see some examples of creating Author extension actions here: http://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-standalone/dg_author_settings.html


Radu Coravu <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Eliot Kimber wrote:
I find myself needing to insert non-ASCII characters like em-dash and
whatnot which is not really convenient to do in Author mode (in text mode I
just type the numeric character reference) [while I work on a Mac, I usually
use a Windows keyboard so the magic Mac keystrokes for inserting special
characters are not available (as far as I know).

Anyway, it would be nice to have a configurable pulldown on the tool bar
that can be loaded with some number of characters for quick insertion. Would
also be handy for authoring equations and whatnot.



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