Dear Seraphim,

Thank you for the feedback.
We will study this for a future version.

We already implemented for the upcoming 9.3 (couple of weeks) a feature which allows you to add a topic reference to the current edited file. So all you will have to do is open a topic in Oxygen and then use the contextual menu "Append/Insert After" -> "Topic reference to the current edited file".


Radu Coravu <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Seraphim Larsen wrote:
It would also be nice to be able to drag topic files from a Project window into the Map Editor, in order to place the topics within an open DITA map. Currently, if you try this, it will just open the DITA file as another file in the Map Editor.

I could then find all the topics I want, and gather them up into a Project, and then easily drag-and-drop, group, re-arrange, etc., in the Map Editor.

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