Hi Wendy,

Oxygen integrates the DITA Open Toolkit for DITA Map transformations to 
various output formats.

Indeed the Apache FOP sometimes hangs (expecially when you have SVG 
images referenced from your DITA topics).
I can give you a patch which should work.
Open the "OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR\frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/demo/fo/build.xml" 
file, comment the entire "transform.fo2pdf.fop" <target> and replace with:

<target name="transform.fo2pdf.fop" if="use.fop.pdf.formatter">
        <!-- Run the FOP as an external process -->
        <java classname="org.apache.fop.cli.Main" fork="yes" 
classpath="${java.class.path}" dir="${dita.map.output.dir}">
            <arg line='-fo "${inputFile}" -pdf "${outputFile}" -c 

This will run Apache FOP as an external processor and should not block 

About the index creation in PDF from DITA index terms, from what I've 
tested you have to use the IDIOM PDF transformation with the XEP 
processor in order for them to be processed.
You can easily integrate XEP in Oxygen. See this link for more details:

I also recommand you to join the DITA Open Toolkit Users List:

Hope this helps.

Radu Coravu <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Loreti, Wendy wrote:
> Hello, I'm new here. I have a question:
> When I use the DITA OT transformation, the pdf is successfully 
> created, but when I try to use the Idiom FO transformation, it chugs 
> along, then stops and hangs with this in the log:
> 1071 ERROR [ main ] org.apache.fop.datatypes.LengthBase - 
> getBaseLength called without context
> Does anyone know what that's about?
> Also, will this Idiom transformation create an index? The DITA one won't. 
> *Wendy Loreti*
> Senior Technical Writer
> Vocollect, Inc.
> 703 Rodi Rd.
> Pittsburgh, PA 15235
> www.vocollect.com <http://www.vocollect.com/>
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