Hello Florent,

The version 11 release is due shortly and we do not have enough time to 
implement the entire feature.
What we can do in time for version 11 is introduce the possibility to 
expand editor variables like:

${env(JAVA_LIBS)} - expanded to the value of the environmental variable 
${system(java.libs)} - expanded to the value of the system property java.lib

so you could instruct the users to start Oxygen setting a certain editor 
variable or a system property and in the scenario extensions list have 
something like: ${env(JAVA_LIBS)}/org/apache/some.jar which will remain 
unchanged and saved at the project level.


Radu Coravu <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Florent Georges wrote:
> Sorin Ristache wrote:
>   Hi Sorin,
>> It was not implemented yet. The next version of Oxygen will
>> allow setting interactive parameters in a scenario as discussed
>> in the following message:
>> http://www.oxygenxml.com/pipermail/oxygen-user/2009-July/002650.html
>> Does that cover your use case?
>   Nop, but that's another one very interesting! :-)
>   For a precise use case, let's take the example of an extension
> configured on a scenario (for instance a JAR file for Saxon.)
> Let's say the JAR file is not in the project itself, but in a
> system-dependent directory (/usr/share/java, /Library/Java or say
> x:/java.)
>   If you want to share the project file between several people
> (by putting it in your project's SVN repo), they always will have
> to change the path of the JAR according to their own system.
>   But if oXygen allows to define user custom variables, we could
> ask each people to define such a variable, let's say "java-libs",
> and define the JAR path (in the scenario extensions) as something
> like:
>     ${java-libs}/org/apache/some.jar
>   The ability to resolve an environment variable could help here
> too.  Let's say something like:
>     ${env:JAVA_LIBS}/org/apache/some.jar
> or like the following to be more like the new ${ask(...)}
> feature:
>     ${env(JAVA_LIBS)}/org/apache/some.jar
>   Regards,

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