Hi Steve,

If you only want to make the topic titles look smaller you can open the:
CSS file (which gets copied to the output directory when transforming to XHTML) and modify the font-sizes for the:

If you still want imbricated topic titles to start from <h2> instead of <h1> you can open the:
and search for "NESTED TOPIC TITLES". There is a template below the comment which generates the headings depending on the topic's level of imbrication.
In that template there is a line:
<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="count(ancestor::*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')])"/></xsl:otherwise>
which you can replace with:
<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="count(ancestor::*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]) + 1"/></xsl:otherwise>*
*to make the topics start from <h2> instead of <h1>.*

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 4/19/2010 8:51 PM, Steve Matlock wrote:
I realize I'm probably asking for someone to explain the equivalent of
string theory to a high school freshman, but I'm struggling to
understand how to modify the dita2htmlImpl.xsl file so that the
transformed files I get from Oxygen tag the<task>  and<concept>
entries in my<composite>  files are tagged as "H2" headings and not
"H3" headings.

Example of my composite topic file
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE dita PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Composite//EN"
     <topic id="MyTopic">
         <title>My Composite Topic</title>
                 <othermeta content="en_US" name="language"/>
                 <othermeta content="US" name="country"/>
             <p>This is the general introduction to this concept and task.</p>
     <concept id="concept1" conref="../../shared/en-us/concept1.dita#concept1A">
         <title>Concept title</title>
     <task id="task1 conref="../../shared/en-us/taskt1.dita#task1A"">
         <title>Task title</title>

Assuming that this "works" in the transform, I get content where each
concept and task comes in tagged as "H1"  I need these to be tagged
"H2" instead.

I realize that I can use<section>  tags to mark sections as
subordinate, but the<composite>  type doesn't seem to support
<section>  tags where I need them. Conceptually it would be like this:

<title>Major Concept</title>
<concept id="concept1" conref="concept1.dita#concept">

<title>Major Task</title>
<task id="task1" conref="task1.dita#task">

but of course this doesn't work. Also, I would end up getting the
Title from the Section as well as the Task or Concept.

So, do I somehow munge the dita2htmlImpl.xsl file to somehow make
Tasks and Concepts "H2" entries, or can I somehow get the idea of a
subordinate Concept or Task into a Topic/Composite Topic DITA file?
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