On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 08:11:40AM +0200, George Bina wrote:
> Hi Christophe,
> "CMD +" and "CMD -" should increase/decrease font size. "CMD 0" will
> restore the default size.
> On my Mac, holding CTRL and scolling up/down will zoom in/out
> specific areas of the screen - this may need to be enabled in
> preferences, I am not sure it is on by default.

It's not, but toggling zoom on with keyboard commands should be:

* CMD 8 to toggle it on and off.
* CMD = to zoom in.
* CMD - to soom out.

The settings are in the Accessibility Preferences and by default the
maximum magnification is set to 10 times zoom.  That can be pushed up
to at least 20 times, but eventually you're going to run into
pixelation problems.


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