Hi David,

You would need to implement an Oxygen plugin for this.
Maybe you can take a look at this plugin:


When content is saved in the Author visual editing mode, the plugin can invoke a previously defined Author action. So you do not need to modify the plugin's Java code, just the action ID which should get called on save.


Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor

On 4/11/2018 7:07 PM, David Levy wrote:
The current discussion "When a <fig> is inserted, it should contain a
<title> element" prompts me to ask what I'm sure is a trivial question.

I am using Oxygen to edit XML in text mode.

I would like an XML element <dateUpdated> to be updated automatically on

I am aware of the of the ${date(pattern)} editor variable, but don't
know how to trigger an action on the save event or indeed what type of
code can be run once the event is detected.

The online example
seemed to be in a DITA context and require the Plugins SDK, neither of
which I'm familiar with.

With thanks,

David Levy

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