Hi all,

For anyone who commonly uses oXygen to work on code or data that you keep
on the filesystem and upload to eXist, I posted an oXygen project file with
some associated files to GitHub; once you open the project file, your
External Tools menu will be populated with some tools that aid in tasks
like uploading from the filesystem to the database, deploying an app to the
database, etc.  It assumes some conventions that are common in the eXist
community for app development, such as assuming that files are uploaded to
a sub-collection of /db/apps, using ant for packaging and deployment of
.xar packages, etc.

I adapted this from a project that I developed for my colleagues at work to
speed some common tasks.  Occasionally when I've shown this system to
others they asked if I could release it for more general use.  This is that
effort.  I'd welcome feedback and suggestions here or in the issue tracker.

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