On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 01:27:04PM +0200, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
> I did all that and ended with the folloging uncorrectly hypenated words
> Epit-hel instead of Epi-thel,
> Glut-amin instead of Glu-tamin,
> Häm-olymphe instead of Hä-mo-lymphe (alternatively),
> hypophys-är instead of hypophy-sär,
> Methy-l–p‑Tyrosin hyphenated in Methy-l, should not be hyphynated there
> This are 5 errors on 60 pages, quite impressive that there are not more
> errors. There should be a list with the correct hyphenation, to which a
> user can add his own corrected words.

I don't know if the same works with Docbook, but in DITA to [X]HTML
transformations I use soft-hyphens in the words I'm concerned about so
they'll be what's used when necessary to wrap between lines.  I also
don't use FOP to go straight to PDF and produce that via [X]HTML+CSS
rendering (PrinceXML is rather nice for my use cases).


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