
I'm struggling to configure oXygen Web Author to access files from
GitLab (on-premise). Everything should be configured properly, I can
autenticate to GitLab from Web Author and can list available
repositories. But once I want to access repository -- i.e. browse it for
files or create new file I'm getting the following error message:

Failed to open repository: https://gitlab.example.com/foo/bar
(I have obfuscated actual URL to repository).

On a closer inspection in Developer tools it seems that Web Author tries
to access:


GitLab returns 404 for such URL. I have skimmed over GitLab
documentation and it seems that proper URL syntax should be


where $id$ is project identifier that can be obtained by accessing
projects metadata at https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/

I'm not sure if this problem in oXygen Web Author of perhaps using some
older API or whether there is something that I have to change in GitLab

Anyone noticed this problem and found solution?

Many thanks in advance,


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail: ji...@kosek.cz      http://xmlguru.cz
     Professional XML and Web consulting and training services
DocBook/DITA customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
    Bringing you XML Prague conference    http://xmlprague.cz

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