Hi Kristen,

When automatic or manual validation is performed on a DITA topic, we have about 3 validation stages, a stage in which the DTD/schema is used to check for errors, a stage in which a custom Schematron schema is used to check for errors and a stage in which a DITA specific error scanner is used to check for more errors. Our DITA specific error scanner for topics only checks for broken table layouts and for references to missing topics but it could be improved to also check for broken references to IDs in the same topic. I will add an internal issue to do this. Hypothetically the error scanner could also be improved to report links to other topics which have missing IDs but this would mean that the validation would not be fast anymore, it would need to also load those referenced topics and look into them. But for IDs located in the same topic it's no problem.

For now maybe you can create a custom Schematron schema to do this extra check:


Some time ago we created this experimental Schematron schema:


which actually looks inside the referenced topics for the IDs. It might also work for references inside the current topic.


Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor

On 10/24/2019 7:41 PM, Kristen James Eberlein wrote:
I am cleaning up DITA source for a client.

I am finding errors that are flagged by the "DITAmap Completeness Check" that are not caught by the standard DITA topic validation.

In particular, if a topic contains a (broken) cross reference to another element within the same topic, the topic validation does not catch that error.

Is there a way to set up a custom DITA topic validation that will catch this sort of error?


Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting
+1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype)
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